Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an ranger in Power Rangers Universe.

"Power of Ophiuchius!"
―roll call

Florian Hebitsuvic (Serbian: Флориан Хебитсувиц, Florian Hebitsuvić) is Ranger Series Silver of the Star Battleforce Rangers. He is a wealthy lifestyle coach on Planet Saint Denis in the Ophiuchi Sector, whose business partner is Bronzee. He is the seventh individual to join the Star Battleforce Ranger Program.

Following an incident in which he was infected with Metal Spice and corrupted by Senator Pom-Pom, He retains the Metal Sector Key after being freed from her control, gaining the ability to power up to Star Battleforce Ranger Series Metal.

Character History[]




Although he and his partner Bronzee are the most comedic members of the Ranger Series Program, Florian is shown to be the more comically incompetent, flamboyant, and cowardly of the two, which is highly likely to get him in trouble, especially in the most inappropriate of situations. As noted by Megan, this is often the result of his and Bronzee's long history of a hard-partying lifestyle - given their history as lifestyle coaches, which often leaves him on the receiving end of Colonel Xiao's blunt verbal insults and disciplinaries. While Bronzee at least has some decree of resourcefulness from time to time, Florian does not, and he often finds himself causing more problems and solutions for the group. Due to him being a volunteer rather than a cadet, he often prefers to stay out of trouble, but he happily enjoys helping his teammates.

Powers and Abilities[]



Ranger Series Silver

"Ophiuchus! Uni So Cool!"
―transformation announcement via Uni-Controller

Powers and Abilities[]





Star Battleforce Ranger Series Metal

"Metal! Uni So Cool!"
―transformation announcement via Uni-Controller

Powers and Abilities[]





See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Universe Icon-kyuranger
Arthur Morgan - Dimitri Skorpirov - Wild Bill - Bronzee - Moose - Florian Hebitsuvic - Megan Sawyer - Joi - Ryan Torres - Colonel Xiao Longbao - Russell Cubowski - Agent 263
Evil Rangers: Metal Florian
Uni-Controller (Arkeyan Controller) - Drago Command Staff - Phoenix Saber & Shield
Multi-Use Devices
Sector Keys
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Universal Weaponization System
Uni-Saber - Uni- Spear - Uni-Claw - Uni-Bowgun - Uni-Axe - Uni-Scythe - Uni-Skewer - Uni- Sweeper - Uni-Razor
Other Devices
Ranger Lottery
Horsie - Supreme Commander Mor-La - Professor Levicitus Cornwall (good)
Leo Voyager 1 - Scorpio Voyager 2 - Lupus Voyager 3 - Libra Voyager 4 - Taurus Voyager 5 - Ophiuchi Voyager 6 - Chameleon Voyager 7 - Aquilla Voyager 8 - Dorado Voyager 9 - Drago Voyager 10 - Ursa Voyager 11 (U. Minor Voyager 11.1 - U. Major Voyager 11.2) - Phoenix Steel Zord - Phoenix Steel Dish - Phoenix Steel Launcher - Orion Voyager 13 - Orion Command Ship - Oracle Zord
Voyager Squad Megazord - Drago Pride Megazord - Phoenix Steel Megazord - Orion Megazord
Voyager Pride Megazord - Star Battleforce Ultrazord - Star Battleforce - Arsenal Ready - Leo Oracle Zord - Voyager Squad Oracle Zord
Arkeyan Empire
Leader: His Magnificence
Senators: Z'azlom (Z'Aezoth, Pom-Pom, Gazla)
Major: Volstagg - Cereberos - Mikhail Toxstatin - Octiqua
Minor: Bazoo Kaboom - Free K. Tiki - Warden Gatling - Tankin' Joe - Fris Breach - Billy Basebrawl - Southon Cross
Lone Commandants: Perpiculous Plump - Dreamin' Weave - Dagi Long-Necks - Roboto Epee - TBA - Fuzzy Spectra - Gigan UFO-Lots - Sunken Gear - Kage Avalon - Stone Juvenile - Extra Neck-Teach - Giwi McNewzie - Endoskel Pinch
O'Neil Brothers: Otis O'Neil - Norman O'Neil - Javier O'Neil - Dale O'Neil - Ernie O'Neil - Earl O'Neil - Wilton O'Neil - Dalton O'Neil - Elwood O'Neil
Enforcement-Class: Lord Stinker
Scientists: Professor Leviticus Cornwall (evil) - Scapel
Footsoldiers: Roswells - Moonbillies