Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-lupinrangervspatranger This article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Victory Siren.

"High Pressure Stream!"
ā€•summoning announcement via VS Burst Morpher[src]

Fire Siren Runner is a red & silver auxiliary Siren Runner modeled after a fire department ladder truck and a fire extinguisher. It is a redeco of Crane Siren Runner & Drill Siren Runner.


In a Siren Boost, it summons the Engine Extinguisher, an arm cannon in the shape of a fire extinguisher. It can fire dousing foam blasts which can also be used to attack. Its finisher is a blue-outlined white ball which devolves into a salvo of blue laser blasts onto the foe.

Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes TBA



to be added

VS Phantom Megazord Mystic Engine[]

"Complete! VS Phantom Megazord Mystic Engine!"
ā€•Announcement after completing transformation[src]

VS Phantom Megazord Mystic Engine is the combination between the Fire Siren Runner, Mystic Victory Flyer, and Versus Striker.

This form can use Fire's water cannon and Mystic's tricks. One trick it can do is create one Phantom card in front of it with five surrounding the enemy. By inserting the water cannon into the front card, it creates several copies through the other cards which then fire high-pressure water jets at the surrounded opponent. Another trick is it can manifest a giant bone for dogs- which explodes when bit upon.

Its finisher is the Mystic Splash Strike, where the enemy is shot into the air by the forming vortex from the cloned water cannon fire, Mystic closes its fist, using the existing water to form a giant bubble around the foe. Mystic then snaps, the bubble imploding before exploding in a flay of water and gas.

Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes TBD

Additional Formations[]

Siren Phantom Strike Megazord[]

Main article: Siren Patrol Striker
"Complete! Siren Phantom Strike Megazord!"
ā€•Announcement after completing transformation[src]

The Siren Phantom Strike Megazord is the combination of Siren Patrol Striker, Fire Siren Runner, Mystic Victory Flyer, and Versus Striker. The combination is very powerful. It can use all the cannons on Siren Patrol Striker and throw opponents back with the ploughs. Siren Patrol Striker seems to influence the other VS Machines in the combination, as it allows Fire to fire quick-drying cement. Mystic can also enlarge and rotate for a physical hit.

Its finisher is the Siren Phantom Blast, where the Siren Phantom Strike Megazord blasts laser fire from Mystic's baton, Fire's water cannon, and Siren Patrol Striker's cannons, missile launchers, & ploughs to destroy the enemy.

Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes TBD

Victory Phantom Strike Megazord[]

Main article: Victory Phantom Striker
"Complete! Victory Phantom Strike Megazord!"
ā€•Announcement after completing transformation[src]

The Victory Phantom Strike Megazord is the combination between the Fire Siren Runner, Mystic Victory Flyer, Victory Phantom Striker, and Versus Striker.

Aside from Megazord Mode, it can also transform into the aircraft-type configuration Victory Phantom Strike Jet, where Vers reverts to Victory Flyer form with Mystic & Fire still attached and laying on top of ethereal wings, and Victory moving onto Vers' back section. Mystic and Fire can fire blue laser blasts at foes. The form can also fire three different energy blasts from Fire, Vers' nose cone, and Mystic to trap foes in a giant bubble of water, which is used to prepare foes for the finisher.

Its finisher is the Victory Phantom Kick Strike, where the Victory Phantom Strike Megazord in Megazord Mode collapses its legs and screw kicks the bubbled opponent, generating an energy version of Vers' nosecone in the process.

Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes TBD


to be added


See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Victory Siren Icon-lupinrangervspatranger
Victory Phantom Rangers
Logan Ward - Reese Austin - Brooke Stevens - Eli Anderson
Siren Patrol Rangers
Harry Cole - David Harris - Tori Butler - Eli Anderson
VS Burst Morpher - Xpress Morpher - VS Machines - Phantom Blade - Siren Megaton - X Baton Saber - Victory Magnum
to be added
Zords and Megazords
Victory Flyers
Red Victory Flyer - Blue Dial Fighter - Yellow Dial Fighter
Cyclone Dial Fighter - Scissor Victory Flyer & Blade Victory Flyer - Mystic Victory Flyer
Siren Runners
Red Siren Runner - Green Siren Runner - Pink Siren Runner
Bike Siren Runner - Crane Siren Runner and Drill Siren Runner - Fire Siren Runner
Versus Striker - Siren Patrol Striker - Victory Phantom Striker
Xpress Rails
Silver Xpress Rail - Gold Xpress Rail - Fire Xpress Rail - Thunder Xpress Rail
VS Phantom Megazord - VS Patrol Megazord - Xpress Rail Megazord - TBA
Victory Siren X Ultrazord
Icon gangler logo Saurizan Mafia
Leader: Don Tyredge
Other Major Members: Diphonade - Ovine - Clionice
Leondis Family: Leondis - Kiteryx - Taurion
Caporegimes: to be added



Footsoldiers: Riddllets (Modified Riddllets) - Carbagtors
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