Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
"Oh Larvayne, vermilion drake, leveller of ancient lands, grant me your power. Vitae!"
ā€•The incantation to summon the Dragoon Knight.

[[Category: Power Rangers: Angel Force (Grid Series)]]

Larvayne the Dragoon Knight is one of the Sentinels, powerful Celestial Weapons that can easily cause incredible harm on their enemies despite wielding the most basic of weapons, Larvayne has always belonged to Leviathan, who uses its powers with ease.


Equipment, Powers and Abilities[]


Larvayne's Trident[]



  • Ark Drive - Larvayne summons powerful Crystal Arks, floating Crystals that attack with pillars of Dark Energy, they also have an additional powerful ability:
    • Charge Drive - Larvayne channels energy into Crystal Arks, strengthening their attacks and allowing them to cast powerful Celestial Magic, their attack range is also magnified.
  • Thrust - A piercing thrust.
  • Chop - A downward slash that can cleave an opponent in two.
  • Double Thrust - A charging attack that lands two hits in rapid succession.
  • Anima Spear - A move that strikes the target's weakest point.
  • Rive Slash - A downward slash that delivers a crippling blow.
  • Dragon Dance - A flurry of five rapid thrusts that recalls a dragon soaring in flight.
  • Celestial Throw - A long-range attack that imbues the lance with a Celestial Dragon's might, making the Spear glow white.
  • Heaven Siege - A finishing attack where the lance is launched skyward, before launching beams of lance-shaped energy down upon enemies, before landing in Larvayne's outstretched hand.
  • Healer's Soul - Larvayne casts a bust of healing magic, healing either itself or another Sentinel, but only one-at-a-time and the ability leaves the Sentinel defenceless during its casting.
  • Dragon's Flight - Larvayne takes to the air with its brothers for an Aerial Battle.


