Fever High is the fourteenth episode of Power Rangers: Ocean Charge.
Grantor wants to take his first opportunity to stop the rangers to please his master Necron; so he gets inspired by a sick Allison and creates Fluhead to infect the rest of the rangers with its virulent bite. As the cotangent monster continues spreading its bite across Summer Cove High infecting others, the rangers realize the only way to stop Fluhead is to battle the monster in their sickly condition proving to be one huge challenge.
Added later
Oceanic Rangers[]
Color | Role |
Shark | David Simmons |
Whale | Tyler Peterson |
Sea Turtle | Nathan Ross |
Manta Ray | Rachel Simpson |
Dolphin | Allison "Ali" Moore |
- Gemini
- Alpha 8
- Zoey
- Max
- Jake Hampton
- Charlie - a fellow student who gets infected
- Raven - another student who gets infected
- Mrs. Anders - a teacher who gets infected
- Principal Tompkins - the principal of the high school
- Necron
- Elyria
- Vortix
- Grantor
- Symbolites
- Fluhead - A mosquito/syringe-hybrid monster created by Grantor. Grantor tasks Fluhead to infect the rangers with its virulent bite causing them to fell ill; and as well infect others around Summer Cove High and the city. defeated by the Oceanic Megazord w/ Pufferfish zord
- First appearance of Principal Tompkins, first time since Dino Thunder with Principal Randal (Elsa in disguise) that a principal has been seen.