Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Still featheredge

Feather Blade

The Feather Blade was originally Archaeos' personal sword weapon, which he has wielded for centuries before becoming the Silver Cybersaur Ranger. Its finishing attack is in which he hits the target with three energy slashes in a triangle formation. For added effect, he could make it into a manifestation of bravery-based energy, then fire it to the target to paralyze them, allowing him for a fourth slash to finish them off.

Shortly before his death at the hands of Christopher Dickman, Archaeos passed ownership of the Feather Blade to the Green Cybersaur Ranger as he could sense his death was imminent & he felt that only Vernon was worthy of possessing the Feather Blade. With the Feather Blade, Vernon is able to perform his own version of Archaeos' finishing move.
