Power Rangers Fanon Wiki


Farkas Bulkmeier, commonly known as Bulk was a former bully at Angel Grove High School turned cook at Angel Grove Youth Center who has a storied history with the Power Rangers.


Early Life[]

Bulk and Skull may well have been destined to be friends as evidenced by the Power Rangers' encounter with doppelganger duos in two past eras of Angel Grove.

  • In the colonial Angel Grove of the late 18th century, the Power Rangers observed Uncle Ben and the town regiment's commander to be identical to Bulk and Skull. The two would become friends after the Power Rangers saved the town from the Wizard of Deception and his Rat Monsters.
  • A One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch lived in the Wild West Angel Grove of the year 1880.

Pre-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

Bulk and Skull first met in the maternity ward at the hospital where they were born. Every time Bulk cried, Skull cried too - and because of the noise they were isolated for all the other babies. The two have been constant companions ever since.

Bulk and Skull probably attended the same elementary school as the kids who would later become Power Rangers. Before the events that happened in the first season, it was revealed that they became best friends after the incident where Bulk decided to not beat up Skull for shoving a popsicle down his shirt.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

Bulk and Skull started out as bullies at Angel Grove High School and often hung out at the Youth Center and Juice Bar. Their actions are motivated by greed and ego in the first seasons. Wacky schemes abound, and occasionally flirting with Trini and Kimberly, always ending with their failure and humiliation. Mr. Caplan also frequently express dislike of them, putting them in detention for even the slightest of irritations to him, such as failing a test or even pranking him. As a result, like with Stone later on, the two are in great fear of the man until his last appearance in Turbo, Carlos and the Count.

In the episode Green With Evil Part IV, Bulk and Skull are trying to escape in an abandoned bus when they are captured by a giant-sized Goldar. However, just as the Putty Patrollers are about to push the bus with Bulk and Skull in it off a cliff, the Power Rangers form the originalMegazord and help Bulk and Skull to safety before engaging in a fierce battle against Goldar, Scorpina, and a giant-sized Green Ranger.

Ranger fans[]

Bulk and Skull soon attempted to discover the secret identities of the Power Rangers and repeatedly failed. Ironically enough, they did certainly discover the Rangers' identities once: they witnessed the Rangers teleporting down in front of them and when their memories were erased by Scatterbrain; Bulk and Skull tricked Scatterbrain into firing his amnesia beam through two prisms, distorting the beam and restoring the Rangers' memories. Unfortunately, Bulk and Skull lost their short-term memories in the process due to being flung back by the amnesia beam and landing on their heads.

Eventually, Bulk and Skull joined the Angel Grove Junior Police Force and first met Lieutenant Stone. Lt. Stone became a permanent character himself, frequently giving Bulk and Skull orders that they failed to perform, leading eventually to his anger. Despite this, Bulk and Skull took their new job seriously and were close to Lt. Stone.


During Power Rangers Zeo, Bulk and Skull remained members of the Junior Police Force. Also, Bulk learned Skull's deepest secret during the school's music recital - Skull was a skilled pianist. Rather than make fun of his friend, Bulk admitted he was moved by the music and congratulated Skull. At one point, Bulk fell for the police chief's daughter, and sought Tanya's advice on romance since he had no experience himself. Bulk's attempts aggravated the chief to the point of getting Lt. Stone fired from the force. Bulk and Skull quit the Police Department as a show of loyalty to Stone. Now working as private detectives, Bulk and Skull did what they could to assist Stone in solving cases, no matter how small. When it came to passing their detective test, both failed miserably, but were given passing grades for "braving a monster attack" to continue the test. They eventually walked out on the agency to take an undercover mission in Paris, the details of which have never been disclosed.

During this time, Bulk and Skull secretly hosted Rito and Goldar, characters who lost their memories after the attack at the end of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. This came to an end when the duo regained their memories and left, stealing Bulk and Skull's motorcycle in the process.


At the start of Power Rangers Turbo, the gap between Good as Gold and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie revealed that Bulk and Skull had returned from France and reconciled with Stone. All three eventually got a chance to rejoin the Police Force before Lt. Stone went to replace Ernie as owner of the Gym and Juice Bar. Unfortunately before they could get back to work, they were transformed into chimpanzees by Elgar. This marked a permanent end to Bulk and Skull's career in the police.

Bulk and Skull remain chimpanzees for several episodes. They are voiced by the actors who play Bulk and Skull; however, only the audience can understand them. Jerome Stone takes the chimpanzees into his care, and they make several attempts to inform him of their true identities.

They are eventually transformed back into humans, but a temporary side-affect renders them invisible. This state only lasted for a few episodes before they finally returned to normal and attempted to take on proper jobs.

In Space[]

During Power Rangers in Space, Jerome Stone also left the series without explanation and Bulk and Skull finally found permanent jobs helping the rather loony Professor Phenomenus locate and capture extraterrestrial life. During this, the three were captured by Astronema's Datascammer monster and later transformed into data cards but were soon restored to normal and returned to Earth.

The best transformation and growth of Bulk and Skull's characters is shown in the climax finale, Countdown to Destruction. Towards the end of that episode, Astronema's forces have conquered Earth. Later that night, when the citizens were doubting the Power Rangers showing up, thinking they abandoned them, Bulk reassured them that the Rangers have never let them down and they have to have faith in them.

The following morning, Astronema returns and asks rounded-up citizens of Angel Grove where the Rangers are - getting no response, she prepares to destroy Earth. Before she is able to do so, Bulk, Skull and Professor Phenomenus, Adelle Ferguson and eventually all of the citizens pretend to be Rangers to buy the real team some time. A minute or so later, when Astronema does not buy the ruse, the real Rangers teens show up, and breaking with tradition, morph in front of everyone, showing their identities to the world. They begin to fight the hundreds of Quantrons and Piranhatrons in the area.

At this point, Bulk cannot stand to see the Rangers he adores against these odds, so leads the citizens of Angel Grove in a fight for their city, and everyone joins in fighting the monsters alongside the Rangers. The cry for everyone to "get in there" to fight alongside the Rangers is widely seen as the finest hour for Bulk and Skull's characters.

Lost Galaxy[]

A year later, Bulk and Professor Phenomenus board the space station bio-dome Terra Venture for its interstellar journey to a new world, in order to finally get away from all of the monster and alien attacks in Angel Grove. Skull, however, did not wake up in time and was left behind. They got jobs in the science division, not as prominent as they were in the previous seasons, Bulk and Professor Phenomenus ran the Comet CafƩ on Terra Venture after being canned from the science division. At the end of the series, Terra Venture arrived on Mirinoi along with Bulk and Phenomenus.

Wild Force[]

During the Power Rangers Wild Force episode Forever Red, Bulk and Skull made a special cameo appearance. It is not explained how Bulk returned from Mirinoi or when.

Bulk and Skull were shown as servers and managers of a tropical-themed bar called "Club Bulkmeier". Tommy Oliver, the former Power Ranger, is also present. In this episode, Bulk and Skull were shown playing Psycho Ranger chess while having a conversation about the early days of Power Rangers - in particular, Bulk is bragging to Skull about how he once saw Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa despite the fact that Skull saw them also. This seems to contradict the fact that the Earth's rotation was apparently reversed in two separate instances, turning them into kids and making them lose their memories of those villains, with no explanation as to how they regained their memories.


  • TBA


Bratboy is a child monster.

Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd turned young Bulk into this monster. He poured polluted water onto the Alien Rangers when he was big. Bratboy returned back to normal at the young Power Rangers' urging and was turned back to the monster by Rita and Zedd. He told them he wouldn't do what they wanted so they turned him back to young Bulk.  TV STORY-Attack of the 60' Bulk

A monster identical to Bratboy was in the audience at Prince Gasket's Machine Arena when the Gold Ranger was forced to fight in the games there.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Eye Beams: Bratboy could fire a green-colored beam from his eyes.


  • Seismic Shockwaves: Bratboy could cause the ground to shake by stomping his feet.


  • Fists: Bratboy mostly uses his bare fists to fight.
    • Energy Blast: Bratboy could fire two kinds of energy blasts from his hands, a pink-colored ball-shaped blast, and a larger green-colored blast that was strong enough to reach Zedd and Rita's Moon Palace.
  • Joystick Shoes: Bratboy's wears a pair of shoes that possess joysticks at the top.
    • Overdrive: When Bratboy pushes the joysticks on his shoes forward it increases his speed and jumping power.
  • Polluted Water: Bratboy carried a tube filled with polluted water that he poured on the Alien Rangers weakening them.
  • Gauntlet Blaster: Bratboy wears a gauntlet equipped with a blaster on his left arm.

Appearances: MMPR S3 Episode 38; Zeo Episodes 42, 43

