Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Facing the Past is the thirty-third episode of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: Revisited. This episode explores both Karone's past as Astronema and Alpha's time as Dark Alpha, and introduces Ted's Battlizer, the second in the Power Rangers: Revisited franchise (with first being Andros').


When Ted is attacked by the Magnetox monster, he is drained of his powers and can no longer morph. Karone and Alpha 5 take Ted to meet a powerful warrior that Karone (as Astronema) had long ago petrified, and who may hold the keys to restoring Ted's powers. However, before they two can help Ted, they must first stand against their past sins.


to be added



  • This episode contains no footage from Gingaman.
  • In Karone's flashback as Astronema, Ecliptor can be seen but has no dialog. He is in his second form which he did not gain until "Save our Ship", so he should have been in his normal caped form.
    • In Alpha's flashback as Dark Alpha, he gains the Strobe of Dark Power from Rita and Zedd, despite not really using it in the original episode.
  • When Karone and Alpha face their evil egos, Astronema's line is "Once evil, always evil!" This could be an opposing element to the saying "Once a ranger, always a ranger!" which was said by Tommy during Zeo: Revisited.