Episode Pink is the last in a series of five prologue chapters for Power Rangers Legend Hunters. It focuses on the origins of the Pink Legend Hunter Kayla McKenzie. The Red Legend Hunter Martin makes a cameo near the end of the prologue.
Kayla was once a young girl who lived in the county of Camlann, within Dimension 150, before it was destroyed by Lord Drakkon after one of the Battle Knights betrayed them. She escaped with the Blue Battle Knight to Dimension 00 where she heard rumors about a pirate ship...
To be added...
- The numbering of Kayla's dimension, 150, is meant as a nod to the number of members the original Knights of the Round Table had.
- It's the only chapter in the prologues done in first person
- Kayla's hometown and King Arthur's death by Drakkon's hand is meant as an homage to the Battle of Camlann, the final battle of King Arthur.
- Initially, Moredread's monster design was meant to be based on Rino Canth from Bioman, but it was later changed to Zatsurig from Gokagier instead.
See Also[]
- Ep. 41: Something I Don't Want to Lose - Super Sentai equivalent in Gokaiger (flashback)
- Treasure 1: The Hunt Begins - Power Rangers equivalent in Legend Hunters (Kayla meeting Martin)