Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers: Rescue Rails.

Saber Station is the second episode of Power Rangers: Rescue Rails. The main character of this episode is Lloyd Lawton.


The Rangers arrive at a train station taken over by the Shadow Express Line which has been renamed the "Saber Station", controlled by the Shadow Express Line's Sword Shademon who makes everyone duel. The Rangers do their hardest to protect a boy who is scared at what the Shadow Express Line has done to his neighborhood and figure out a way to end the Shadow Line's control. However, Railer Blue is having a crisis from Tracker's words. What did he mean "as good as dead"?


The episode begins with the theme song. Afterwards, we go into the Rainbow Express Train, as we see the Blue Ranger, Lloyd Lawton, sitting away from the group in deep thought. After a while, his friend, Jill Davis, walks over and asks him what's wrong. It seems that Lloyd has never gotten over, Tracker's words about them. The Rangers being "as good as dead" has intrigued him, and made him think for a while. They are interrupted by the arrival of Funnel, who runs the trainā€™s concessions cart. Funnel offers the Rangers some food and drinks, which the conductor, Shane, happily digs into. The Rangers each take a plate of food and Aiden perks up and says he definitely wants to eat. While they do eat, it's Aiden that eats the most, shocking the others. Aiden and Shane chuckle and state that he's always been a big eater since he was a child. He would always get seconds at the cafeteria by sneaking back in with another class. Everyone, except Tracker, laughs at this comment, but Lloyd begins thinking once again.

Lloyd call out to the others, and asks them if they remember anything beyond their childhoods. Aiden, Mikey, Jill, and Sally all grow silent, as they couldn't. Shane gets a surprised look on his face, as the Rangers start realizing that their memories are completely gone. Lloyd then asks them the question of what happened after they graduated from school. Everyone looks to each other with a combination of shock and fright. Their thoughts are interrupted by the lights flickering. Theyā€™ve entered the Shadow Express Line. Tracker says the next station has been taken over by it and explains that the Shadow Express Line intends to expand its rail network to spread darkness around the world. Shadow Express Line trains enter the Rainbow Express Line with Shademons to create darkness and engulf cities using the rage, sorrow, hatred, jealousy and regret from human hearts. They must force humans to sink into those feelings. Tracker announces theyā€™ve arrived at the station. Itā€™s name has been changed to the Saber Station. When the Rangers leave the train, everything seems normal at the station, but Shane says wait until they actually step outside the station. Tracker announces the train is departing. They canā€™t stay on the Shadow Express Line too long. The Rangers head downtown and see the people gloomily walking about. An announcement is made and everyone pays attention. Itā€™s time again for them to choose an opponent and duel, with this line shocking the Rangers. Suddenly, everyone in the town begins to battle, with the Rangers trying their best to stop them. They rush over to the losers of the duel, but suddenly, a black smoke sends them flying away. Suddenly, a Shademon appears and angrily asks them why they didn't duel. The Sword Shademon confronts them and Railraiders surround them. He wonā€™t forgive them for being cowards and not dueling, but Aiden says they donā€™t really care. The Rangers morph.

They begin to fight off the Railraiders, but eventually, they become too much to handle for their regular powers. They decide that it's time to use the Transfer Morphs. Aiden to Pink, Lloyd to Green, Jill to Blue, Mikey to Yellow and Sally to Red. The Railers begin fighting again and Tracker gets annoyed. He says that treating transfers like some toy gimmick is disrespectful to the Rainbow Express Line. Shane says not to worry this is just part of their imagination. The Rangers all transfer back to their own colors and confront Sword Shademon. The Shademon notices a little boy watching from around the corner. Heā€™ll punish him for not dueling, but Aiden stops him before he could hurt the kid. Aiden takes out his Steam Slasher and they clash swords. However, the Sword Shademon was able to get the upper hand and slash Aiden away from him. Theyā€™re cowards for not dueling and cowards will be eliminated. Thatā€™s how it works here in the Saber Station. The little boy comes out and thanks them. They head down by the canal. He tells them he doesnā€™t know if he can go on after his parents got hurt in a duel. He crouches on the ground and darkness emanates from his body, just like from the duel losers. According to the Sword Shademon, once thereā€™s enough darkness, the city will be a good as destroyed and the people living in it as good as dead. The Shademon laughs and retreats. ā€œAs good as dead.ā€ Lloyd reminds them of what they talked about on the train, their not remembering things and not even realizing they didnā€™t remember things. That might be what Tracker meant by ā€œgood as dead.ā€ Aiden tries to snap him out of it by saying that they need to get to the Sword Shademon, only for Lloyd to ask him why. What's the point? They can't remember anything. They have no past or a future, they're essentially ghosts riding a ghost train. Aiden, being the optimistic person he is, adds that everyone has a past somewhere. Even if they can't remember it, they'll find it soon enough. Aiden goes to the little boy and says that he shouldnā€™t give up either. Think about everything working out and picture it in your mind. If you can see it, itā€™ll be okay.

Aiden asks the boy to close his eyes and imagine them beating that monster. The boy closes his eyes then smiles. He sees it. The Rangers are going to borrow that image. They morph right as Sword Shademon is about to start another duel, but Lloyd blasts the huge coin to pieces with his Rail Trigger. Sword Shademon summons an army of Railraiders. Aiden tells the others heā€™ll take on the big guy and theyā€™ll handle the grunts. Lloyd says that he admires Aiden's optimism. Although he doesn't think about these things logically, he has a good heart, before joining the rest of the team. Sally states that they're not ghosts and Mikey adds that their memories might be hazy, but theyā€™re definitely here right now. Mikey, Jill, Lloyd and Sally finish off the Railraiders. Meanwhile, Aiden is with Sword Shademon. Wanting to make the duel more interesting, the Shademon summons a Shadow Express Line Shadow Steamer train and hops onto the roof. Aiden summons his own train and he gets ready to fight. But Lloyd speeds up and says to link up so he can drive while Aiden focuses on fighting, which Aiden thinks is a good idea. Aiden and Sabre Shademon get to it and take their fight into the sky. Aiden slips off the train and Lloyd catches him. Aiden slips off again and is clinging on to the side of the train. Sword Shademon raises his sword for a final attack on Aiden, admiring his determination in a good fight. Lloyd, in a last attempt to save Aiden, imagines a vision of them winning based in reality. Aiden pulls himself back up onto the roof. Sword Shademon has his swords clipped off when they go into a tunnel and that allows Aiden to deliver a Final Strike. The Shademon falls off the train and blows up on the tracks.

They begin celebrating their victory, until the Sword Shademon grows to giant size, with Aiden making it clear that he forgot they could do that. So the Railers initiate the T.Q.G. Train Zords and link up for the Rescue Rail T.Q.G. Megazord. Aiden challenges him to a Western-style showdown: back to back with each other, they each take five steps before drawing their guns. Sword Shademon, however, cheats by shooting before the final step, but the Megazord quickly splits up to avoid getting hit. They waste no time finishing off the Shademon for good with a Railway Blast T.Q.G. Shot. "Thank you for riding! You've reached your final stop!". The townā€™s station name returns to normal and the Rainbow Express Line moves on to their next destination. Lloyd tells Shane and Tracker his theory that the reason they lack memories and are ā€œas good as deadā€ is because they were residents of a town consumed by darkness. The others think itā€™s a solid theory. Shane says that it's correct. But Ticket says that they're wrong. Which is it? At a dark location, a Shadow Steamer pulls up and rests on the outside of the station. This is the Shadow Express Line. Inside the station, on a throne, there is a person sitting, who is annoyed by the defeat of the Sword Shademon. However, he seems creepily calm, never raising his voice but everyone around seems to be afraid of his calmness. This is the evil Emperor Z. When his General, Conductor Zero tries to talk down to him, it results in Z blasting Zero without a word. The only person to calm him down is the monster who raised him, Madame Midnight. The two talk together to create a new Shademon to destroy the Rangers, while the mysterious General Saber watches from the shadows.

Gadgets Used[]

Transformation Devices[]

T.Q.G. Trains[]


Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]

Zords Used[]

Transfer Morphs[]

  • With this episode, Lloyd has used both of his male core teammates' powers at least once, while Mikey has used both of his female core teammates' powers at least once.


  • Tripping Scene: Railer Blue
  • This episode introduces Funnel, the Rainbow Express Line Line's robotic waitress.
  • Although the story in the episode in the same, in the Sentai counterpart, Lloyd's role in the story was actually Hikari's role.
  • Despite Z's appearance as an antagonist in this episode, he hasn't yet become the main villain. By this time in the show, the main antagonist was actually Madame Midnight.

See Also:[]
