This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines. |
[[Category:{{{season}}} episodes]]
In Touch With Her Childhood is the sixth episode of Power Rangers: Jewel Machines. It features the debut of the Sparkling Land Storm Megazord: Lifty/Steamroll Mode. This episode's main character is Ruby Walker.
People have been suddenly disappearing from the city. The Power Rangers rush to the location to see a camera monster photographing people who then vanish instantaneously. The Rangers decide to engage this creature in battle, when in the midst of their confrontation, Oblidion decides to appear and make matters worse. Stacy and Blaine are both shot by the camera and vanish, as Ruby takes on Oblidion's attacks alone. Jeremy rushes to Ruby's side to wake her up, but when she opens her eyes she doesn't recognize any of them. This may be the greatest predicament the Rangers have faced yet.
In the realm of Jothunheim, Oblidion is struggling. He is shouting out as loud as he can, and is trying to regain control of something. Suddenly, his body flashes, and he returns to his armored form. Meanwhile, the Demonic General of Masks: Maranskula is in a particularly good mood. When asked why by Oblidion, he says he has finally created a monster to destroy the Power Rangers. Oblidion is interested, and listens to his plan. On Earth, Ruby is deep in concentration on a surgery she is doing. She isn't letting anyone distract her. Luckily, the surgery is finally done and it was successful. When she walks out of the surgery room, there is Mr. Harrison waiting for her. When she tells him that it was a success, Harrison hugs her, and thanks her for saving his relative's life. Back at the tree, the others marvel at Rubyās skill. Blaine seems to know a little about Ruby's past and what drives her skill, but she stops him before he can say, by flipping him. Jeremy picks up a photo that falls out of Rubyās pocket when she flipped Blaine, but before he can ask about it, they have to all head out when a Marksman pops up downtown. We transition to the theme song.
The Camera Marksman: Pictorture takes pictures of people who then suddenly disappear to a secret location. That will allow him to collect enough darkness to power up the Marks Beast. The Rangers appear, and morph. Pictorture brags that the Rangers are powerless against him, which they take as a challenge. He summons some Strikers to attack. The Rangers engage. As they are fighting the Strikers, Stacy and Blaine try to attack the Marksman, but Pictorture was able to distract them enough to take their picture, making them disappear. Inside the camera, Stacy and Blaine are unmorphed and trapped inside a void where people are slowly dying due to their life energy being stolen. Ruby takes on Pictorture and was actually able to do damage, but Oblidion teleports into the scene and hits her. Pictorture tries to take a picture of Ruby, but his memory card is full, so they have to leave. Ruby grabs on to Oblidionās leg. He tosses her aside and she hits her head on a rock, knocking her out cold. Jeremy and Freddy go to check on Ruby, but when she wakes up, she seems scared and has no idea who anyone is. They demorph, knowing that they're in some kind of trouble. They take her back to the 24 CARAT base. Jewelzord Winger starts becoming paranoid because he can no longer feel Blaine's CrystaliaMentality, and neither can Mach. Princess Opalia is trying to reach Ruby who is hiding under a table, but she is afraid of Opalia, much to her confusion. She starts crying that she looks weird. When asked how old she is by Freddy, she replies that she's five years old, and everyone is shocked.
Jeremy remembers the photo that fell out of Ruby's pocket and asks if they could find the strange man in the photo. He asks Ruby about it, and she recognizes him as her karate teacher. Jeremy asks Ruby for the location, and she takes Jeremy and Freddy with her. Jeremy speaks with her karate teacher who explains that Ruby had always been a crybaby. But one moment changed her. As she was practicing karate, she heard a cry for help. A young girl is crying out for her beloved dog who had found its way into a nearby construction site. When everyone else said it was hopeless to save him, Ruby ran into the construction site to save the dog herself. She returned the dog back to the little girl. From that day on, Ruby felt like a hero, and vowed that she would save everyone that she can and wouldn't let anyone die. This gives Jeremy insight on Ruby's past. However, he can't stay for long, as Mr. Harrison alerts him that he Camera Marksman has returned. Jeremy grabs Ruby and brings her to the fight.
At the site of the Marksman, Freddy is already there, morphed and fighting Strikers. When Jeremy finally shows up, Freddy goes to ask him if Ruby's memories are back, to which Jeremy responds with a no. This distraction is enough for Pictorture to capture Freddy. Jeremy, horrified, morphs and engages the Marksman. He tries to encourage Ruby to do it as well, but she is too scared to. Fortunately, Jeremy is fast and is able to outrun the Marksman's camera flash and hit him a few times. He uses the Sparkling Buster to damage Pictorture. While he's fighting, Opalia, who followed them, continues trying to get Ruby to join the fight. However, Pictorture has captered Jeremy and is now aiming for them. Inside the camera, Jeremy finds the rest of his team, who are laying on the ground, almost dead, with a bunch of people. Opalia guards Ruby with her own body, and tells her that the people trapped will die if she doesn't help them, before getting captured herself. Ruby, hearing this, gains the wll to fight to save everyone. She morphs and calls out Helica to her location. She asks Helica to search to where her friends are being kept as she fights Pictorture. She is a little childish with her attacks, mostly just playing around with the monster, which offends him. Helica flies up high and tells her that the others are in the head of a flying Cloud Beast. Helica decends and Ruby jumps in, abandoning her battle with Pictorture and launches an assault on the Cloud Beast. She was able to knock the people out of the Beast's mouth, which they were caught by Helica. The Cloud Beast comes crashing down on Pictorture, crushing him. The rest of the Rangers are released, as the Beast gets back up. The Rangers morph, deploy their Jewelzords and create the Sparkling Jewel Megazord.
As the fight continues, their attacks are no match for the Cloud Beast, and they have a hard time defeating it. They try using the Jewelzord weapons. Stacy has an INSPARKLERATION and informs Jeremy to think up a Megazord with two tpyes of Jewelzord weapons. He thinks it up and deploys Jewelzords Lifty and Steamroll. They both combine with the Sparkling Jewel Megazord at once and create the Sparkling Land Storm Megazord: Lifty/Steamroll Mode. The new Megazord combination was enough to destroy the Cloud Beast, and the Rangers congratulate Ruby on her good job. Back at the 24 CARAT base they fill Mr. Harrison in on everything thatās happened. While Opalia and Ruby are chasing are playing around with each other, but Opalia slips they bump heads. She helps Ruby to her feet to apologize, it seems that Ruby has returned to her regular self. She is confused about what everyone is amazed about, but when they try to explain, she says it's no need, and that it must've been very emotional.
Gadgets Used[]
Transformation Devices[]
Zords Used[]
- Sparkling Land Storm Megazord: Lifty/Steamroll Mode
- Sparkling Land Storm Megazord
- Jewelzord Blazer
- Jewelzord Scooper
- Jewelzord Mach
- Jewelzord Winger
- Jewelzord Helica
- Jewelzord Lifty
- Jewelzord Steamroll
- Sparkling Land Storm Megazord
- Jewelzord Carriage
- Freddy Foster (Topaz Yellow)
- Stacy Watson (Emerald Green)
- Blaine Moore (Sapphire Blue)
- Ruby Walker (Spinel Pink)
- Jewelzord Blazer
- Jewelzord Scooper
- Jewelzord Mach
- Jewelzord Winger
- Jewelzord Helica
- Mario Harrison
- Princess Opalia
- Demonic General of Masks: Maranskula
- Demonic General of Betrayal: Oblidion
- Pictorture: Camera Marksman
See Also:[]
- Episode 6: Suddenly Turning 5 Years Old (Sentai counterpart (fight/Megazord footage)) (Mashin Sentai Kiramager)