Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Demonic Darkness is the sixth episode of Power Rangers Legendary. It features the debut of Erik, the Dark Legendary Ranger. It also features the debut of the Mighty Morphin Alien, Wild Force, Power Rangers, and Galacta Legendary Ranger Gears, as well as the Dark Gears.


A new boy named Erik arrives in Zeke's town, and he seems to have a short fuse, bursting into large rage fits when pushed. But that's the least of their worries with him, as he is revealed to be Negasin's latest minion! But what's this? HE'S a ranger too?!


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  • "SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" - Erik during his first burst of rage at Zeke.

Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]

Legendary Ranger Gears[]

Dark Gear Summons[]

With his Dark Gears, Erik summons evil manifestations of past Ranger teams and/or Megazords to fight against the Legendary Rangers.

Elements/Homages to Power Rangers[]

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  • When Erik summons the first army of Evil Ranger teams, we can clearly see Stacey and Katio in the background for a moment.


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