Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines.

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No Help Needed is the fourth episode of Power Rangers: Jewel Machines. It features the debut of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord. This main character in this episode is Blaine Moore.


Blaine was selected to be the Sapphire Blue Ranger. He is known as the "Popular Action Movie Star" who has vast levels of recognition. It is said that one of his most notable characteristics is his patience. He silently handles things in a cool way. Even as a Power Ranger, he always keeps his cool. However, one event suddenly starts to challenge that strength. In the midst of a fight against the Vise Marksman, the creature attaches a vice to his head. Despite this, however, Blaine returns to set without saying a word, even with the vice still attached to his head.


The episode begins with a video. The video features moments from Blaine's past where he auditioned for his first movie. He got the part to be a swordsman in a samurai movie. This was the first movie that Blaine ever appeared in, and it's what started his career. Due to his prominent roles as serious, stoic, and emotionless samurai masters, it has become Blaine's main persona that he uses in order to seem cool to his peers. The video ends and it's reveled that the Rangers and Opalia were watching the video. The Rangers think the feature captures his personality well. But Jeremy says being stoic all the time isnā€™t necessarily a good thing. The Jewelzords, specifically Winger, like Blaine's stoic persona. Blaine takes offense to this, and Jeremy apologizes, but then says that he meant that it's okay to show emotions and be playful, which just offends Blaine even more. Their conversation is cut short when Mr. Harrison reports a new Marksman in the city. The Rangers deploy. We transition to the theme song.

Visecous, the Vise Marksman begins to rampage downtown by putting peopleā€™s heads in a vise and squeezing their heads to generate darkness from their suffering. Back in the realm of Jothunheim, Maranskula is laughing about the suffering of others. His smile quickly fades when the Rangers arrive on the scene. As the Marksman begins taunting them, the Rangers morph. They take on Strikers and are able to release the people caught in vises. But when Blaine takes on Visecous himself, he gets a vise on his head as well. Visecous runs off and the Rangers take Blaine back to Coconut Tower. The Rangers go to check on Blaine, but he still has his calm stoic demeanor. When the get back to the 24 CARAT base, Ruby notes that it's actually warping his skull, and it needs to come off before it crushes his head. Their attempts to remove the vise is the tie strings to it and try to yank it apart, attempting to cut it with a buzzsaw, and being shot by Freddy, but nothing works. Blaine stands up and demands that the Rangers stop worrying about him and treash him like the superior warrior he is, as he walks away to shoot a new movie.

Meanwhile, Jeremy followed Blaine to his film set. They had to alter the script after Blaine's accident. He was now playing a samurai who was caught in an enemy trap. Jeremy watches in awe as the other actors fight for Blaine's sake and even call him, "Master". He's excited about the important roll that Blaine plays in the movie. He follows Blaine into his room and hears him struggling in pain. His attempts to take it off only make it tighter on his head. When the Jeremy reveals themselves, Blaine puts on a particularly angry face, before turning stoic again and saying that he's fine. Mr. Harrison then reports that the Vise Marksman is back. Jeremy suggests that Blaine sits this battle out, which offends Blaine again, who says that he should fight, no matter his condition. Jeremy apologizes, morphs, and traps Blaine within his room, while he goes to fight Visecous. They all head out to find Visecous. Jeremy, Freddy, Stacy and Ruby, all morphed, take on Strikers. They then engage the Vise Marksman. Stacy was able to catch him and remove the vises from civilian's heads, but Visecous removed his hand and smacks her aside. Blaine finally arrives after escaping his room with his sword. He tries fighting them unmorphed, but he is struggling. Freddy tells Jeremy to be more firm and tell Blaine to fall back, but Winger takes offense to him doubting his partner. Winger says that he may not be able to fight with the vise on his head, but he's doing his best. Blaine's persona is stoic for him to look cool, it's his way to sparkle, like the others. He asks them to just continue allowing Blaine to act cool.

After Winger's speech, Jeremy has an INSPARKLERATION, and approaches the defeated Blaine. Jeremy addresses him as Master and pleads with him to stand by, while his "students", fight the Strikers for him. Knowing what Jeremy is doing, Blaine plays along, seeing this as his time to sparkle, and stays to the side. The four Rangers finish off the Strikers and Jeremy uses the Sparkling Buster to knock the handle off of Visecousā€™s head. Visecous is able to pick it up though and it is a tug of war battle between him and the Rangers. Just as then, Maranskula unleashes the Armored-Type Vise Beast. See as there's no time, Blaine jumps in and uses his sword to slash the handle away from the Marksman, allowing Stacy to reattach it and remove the vise from Blaine's head. Jewelzords Blazer, Scooper, Mach, and Helica are deployed. The Sparkling Land Storm Megazord is formed, and with the help of Helica, the Vise Beast is directed away from Blaine, who is having a sword fight with Visecous. Blaine finally wins and strikes down the Marksman, and joins the others alongside Jewelzord Winger, forming the Sparkling Sky Storm Megazord. The Vise Beast is too powerful for the small Zords. They need more firepower. Blaine then has an INSPARKLERATION and asks Jeremy to combine the two Megazords. They form the Sparkling Jewel Megazord and easily finish it off with a Dazzling Mega Slash. Back at the 24 CARAT, the Rangers watch the rest of the feature on Blaine. This time, he admits he too has his weaknesses. And if he can admit to that, he can become stronger in the end. The Rangers start to tease Blaine, who screams back, as Winger gives another speech about how everyone has their own way to sparkle. Being cool is Blaine's.

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