Once Again a Ranger Part 1 is the thirty-third episode of Power Rangers Legendary. It is part 1 of a 2-part episode revolving around a special team-up involving Power Rangers from five different generations, as well as the return of many old and new villains.
The rangers are faced with a new enemy: The Neo Assassin. He brings together some of the greatest enemies any Ranger has faced, and it's too much for them to handle! But things get crazier when some familiar faces show up.
To be added
Main Cast[]
- Zeke
- Mighty Morphin Mechazord
- Wild Force Mechazord
- Mystic Force Mechazord
- Operation Overdrive Mechazord
- Orion
- Eric
- Kristina
- Seth
- Chucky
- Zordon
- Negasin
- General Cockin
- Professor N-Gin
- Robo-Erik
- Super Diamond-zoid
- Plug Bots
- Plug Borgs
- Plug Mechs
Guest Cast[]
- Alexander
- Stella
- Christina
- Gerald
- Maxwell
- Alpha X
- The Neo Assassin
- Lord Zedd
- Tenaya
- Thrax
- Master Xandred
- Vrak
- Venjix/Evox
- Blaze (Avatar)
- Roxy (Avatar)
- Sledge
- Snide
- Galvanax
- Lord Clawbite
- Mega Ignez
- Captain Dreadhook
- Dark Matter
- Sheriff Malevolent
- Lord X
- Moonegro
- "I am the Neo Assassin. A warrior of robotic evil. Finally, I have found the Nega-Void." - The Neo Assassin's introduction to Negasin.
- "They are Rangers I brought from various moments in time. And they are here to be your replacements as the Power Rangers." - Alpha X introducing the new Rangers.
Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]
Legendary Ranger Gears[]
- White Legendary Ranger - White Legendary Ranger Gear, Quantum Dragon Gear
- Red Legendary Ranger - Red Legendary Ranger Gear
- Yellow Legendary Ranger - Yellow Legendary Ranger Gear
- Pink Legendary Ranger - Pink Legendary Ranger Gear
- Blue Legendary Ranger - Blue Legendary Ranger Gear
- Gold Legendary Ranger - Gold Legendary Ranger Gear, Quantum Dragon Gear, Primal Instinct Gear
- Dark Legendary Ranger - Dark Legendary Ranger Gear
Advanced Dark Gear Summons[]
With his Advanced Dark Gears, Robo-Erik summons evil manifestations of past Ranger teams in their powered up forms, and/or Megazords to fight against the Legendary Rangers.
- Ranger Teams - Master Red Jungle Fury Ranger, Red Beast-X Beast Morpher
Evil powered up Red Rangers!
Elements/Homages to Power Rangers[]
- This episode acts as a tribute to the Power Rangers Operation Overdrive 2-part episode Once A Ranger.
- This two-parts episode marks the first and only appeareance of Rangers of the Past.