Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Roar like a Lion! is the second episode of Power Rangers Legendary. It features the debut of the Legendary Megazord Mighty Wild Formation, as well as the Genesis and Ninja Storm Legendary Ranger Gears.


With Zeke now a Power Ranger himself, Taylor begins to remember when she used to be a Ranger with her team. As she does, Negasin has a new creation that could bring the town into fungus-filled dismay!


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Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]

Legendary Ranger Gears[]

  • White Legendary Ranger - White Legendary Ranger Gear, Genesis Gear, Ninja Storm Gear
  • Red Legendary Ranger - Red Legendary Ranger Gear
  • Yellow Legendary Ranger - Yellow Legendary Ranger Gear

Elements/Homages to Power Rangers[]

  • Zeke saying "Megazord activated!" when entering the Legendary Megazord is a reference to the original Mighty Morphin Dino Megazord's activation phrase.


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