Secrets Revealed is the twenty-first episode of Power Rangers Legendary. It features the debut of Seth, the Legendary Megazord Mighty Dragon Formation, the Golden Legends Megazord Quantum Mode, the destruction of the Darkzord 2.0, and the Zeo and Samurai Legendary Ranger Gears. It also reveals the twist that Erik is actually human, is actually named Eric, as well as his inclusion to the team.
Erik challenges Zeke and his team to a battle in the mountains to finally settle their fight. But as they prepare, Zeke is visited by a man named Seth. He claims to be looking for his long lost son, but when everyone discovers who it is, everything changes...
To be added
- Zeke
- Mighty Morphin Mechazord
- Wild Force Mechazord
- Mystic Force Mechazord
- Operation Overdrive Mechazord
- Orion
- Eric
- Kristina
- Seth
- Negasin
- General Cockin
- Professor N-Gin
- Mega Zeo-zoid
- Mega Wild Force-zoid
- Mega Mystic Force-zoid
- Mega Operation Overdrive-zoid
- Mega Samurai-zoid
- Plug Mechs
- To be added
Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]
Legendary Ranger Gears[]
- White Legendary Ranger - White Legendary Ranger Gear, Quantum Dragon Gear
- Red Legendary Ranger - Red Legendary Ranger Gear
- Yellow Legendary Ranger - Yellow Legendary Ranger Gear, Zeo Gear, Samurai Gear
- Pink Legendary Ranger - Pink Legendary Ranger Gear
- Blue Legendary Ranger - Blue Legendary Ranger Gear
- Gold Legendary Ranger - Gold Legendary Ranger Gear, Super Zeo Gear, Super Samurai Gear, Quantum Dragon Gear, Ninja Steel Gear
Dark Gear Summons[]
With his Dark Gears, Erik summons evil manifestations of past Ranger teams and/or Megazords to fight against the Legendary Rangers.
- Ranger Teams - Zeo Rangers, Samurai Rangers
Elements/Homages to Power Rangers[]
- To be added
- Zordon and Chucky are both absent from this episode.