The Ultimate Bullfight! is the twentieth episode of Power Rangers Legendary. It features the debut of the Z-Rex Megazord's Z-Rex Drill mode, the Darkzord 2.0, and the Lost Galaxy Legendary Ranger Gear.
Mega Bull-zoid arrives, making angry bulls appear all over town. He also seems to only attack Jason. Taylor, being the animal expert of the team, figures she can find out how to wrangle these bulls.
To be added
- Zeke
- Mighty Morphin Mechazord
- Wild Force Mechazord
- Mystic Force Mechazord
- Operation Overdrive Mechazord
- Orion
- Kristina
- Chucky
- Zordon
- Negasin
- Erik
- General Cockin
- Professor N-Gin
- Mega Bull-zoid
- Plug Bots
- Plug Borgs
- Plug Mechs
- To be added
Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]
Legendary Ranger Gears[]
- White Legendary Ranger - White Legendary Ranger Gear, Quantum Dragon Gear
- Red Legendary Ranger - Red Legendary Ranger Gear
- Yellow Legendary Ranger - Yellow Legendary Ranger Gear
- Pink Legendary Ranger - Pink Legendary Ranger Gear
- Blue Legendary Ranger - Blue Legendary Ranger Gear
- Gold Legendary Ranger - Gold Legendary Ranger Gear, Quantum Dragon Gear, Lost Galaxy Gear
Elements/Homages to Power Rangers[]
- To be added
- This episode was delayed a day late so it would be released on national Power Rangers Day.