Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines.

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The Souls of Jewels are the first and second episodes of Power Rangers: Jewel Machines. It is a two part episode. The first part features the debut of the first four Jewel Rangers, Freddy Foster, Stacy Watson, Blaine Moore, and Ruby Walker, and the second part shows the debut of Jeremy Jackson as Ruby Red.


Part 1[]

Fleeing from the invasion of her homeworld, Princess Opalia recruits four warriors to become the Power Rangers Jewel Machines.

Part 2[]

A high school student continues to draw in the midst of a great disaster. Despite his protests, the Red Crystalian Jewel senses his great CrystaliaMentality. Could this student be the Ruby Red Ranger?


The Souls of Jewels Pt. 1[]

The Kingdom of Crystalia is a land of beautiful jewels ruled by King Moonstone. However, with the guidance of the Demonic General of Masks: Maranskula, invades the country with an army of Jothunheim Strikers. Moonstone's daughter, Princess Opalia was scared, asking him why Jothunheim was attacking them. All he did was tell her to hide while he took care of the Strikers. After defeating the Strikers he engaged Maranskula. Moonstone almost defeated the Mask General, before being blasted by his own brother: Oblidion. The Demonic General of Betrayal summoned more Strikers, and they overpowered Moonstone crushing the king and destroying the country. The surviving Princess Opalia, along with Crystalia's secret treasures, the Crystalian Jewels, travels to Earth, the next target of the Jothunheim Army of Darkness, to meet Mario Harrison. Harrison, a supervisor of 24 CARAT, has developed the Jewel Morphers, in preparation for Jothunheim's invasion of the Earth. Opalia decides to use the Crystalian Jewels to search for warriors who have strong CrystalianMentality.

With the help of the Jewels, Opalia scouts the Esports star Freddy Foster, who is the number 1 player in the shooting games section, the athlete Stacy Watson, who holds American records that have made her a name in national athletics competitions, the popular action star Blaine Moore, who is a black belt in swordsmanship, and Ruby Walker, the genius surgeon who is a master of Taekwando.

After the team has assembled in their new headquarters, they are informed that the Jothunheim Army is attacking. Heading downstairs to the car park, the four of them transform into the Jewel Machine Power Rangers for the first time, and defeat the attackers. However, it is revealed that this was all a hologram set up by Harrison, in order to allow them to train with their new powers.

While this is going on, the Red Jewel has been continuing his search for a potential Red Ranger. This search leads him to a high school, where an enthusiastic young man named Jeremy Jackson has been sketching a portrait of his classmate, Amy Jones. However once he shows it to her, it doesn't look like she was expecting. Amy leaves in a fit of anger before Jeremy can explain, leaving him saddened.

Part 2[]

The high school student, Jeremy Jackson, suddenly awakes from his sleep and draws whatever that was in his dream. Meanwhile, at the 24 CARAT base, the Red Crystalian Jewel is still looking for his partner. Unfortunately, before he can return an army of Strikers start attacking the city. The Rangers morph and move out to the area. Still inside the school, after Amy storms off in anger, Jeremy hears noises. He looks outside and sees a giant ship that appears to have tentacles. He starts to draw what's in front of him. Meanwhile in the 24 CARAT base, the Red Jewel feels a strong CrystaliaMentality and departs the base with Princess Opalia.

As he continues to draw, Jeremy is interrupted by Opalia and the Red Jewel, who believe that he is the Red Ranger despite his protests. Opalia then takes his arm and puts a Jewel Morpher on him and the Red Jewel transports both of them to the Rangers battle area. Being amazed with the Rangers, Jeremy tries to get closer to draw them before being smacked away by Blaine. After defeating the Strikers, the Rangers confront Jeremy who knows who they all are (except Freddy). When they notice the Morpher, they ask if he's one of them, before he runs away with haste. That's when the Demonic General of Masks: Maranskula creates a giant monster based around faucets to attack.

On a hill, Opalia and the Red Jewel had followed him. While going to take the Morpher away, she accidentally knocks over his sketchbook. However after taking a look at the drawing he made of a giant robot defeating the Faucet Beast, he reveals that he just thought in up and drew it. The Red Jewel claims that he can bring what he has to life with his CrystaliaMentality. The nice words from the Jewel and Opalia encourages him to fight with the team. He uses his CrystaliaMentality to transform the Red Crystalian Jewel into a racecar called Jewelzord Racer. He drives over to the rest of the Rangers and finally morphs into the Ruby Red Ranger. He uses his power to transform their respective Jewels into Jewelzords. Blaine gets Jewelzord Winger due to his swift slashes, Stacy gets Jewelzord Mach due to her speed, Ruby gets Jewelzord Helica due to it being use as a medical helicopter, and Freddy gets Jewelzord Scooper simply because he's the color yellow, Jewelzord Racer also gets upgraded into Jewelzord Blazer. Blazer, Mach, and Scooper then combine into the Sparkling Land Storm Megazord in order to defeat the Faucet Beast and Winger and Helica combine into the Sparkling Sky Storm Megazord in order to save civilians on the roof.

Gadgets Used[]

Transformation Devices[]


Zords Used[]


See Also:[]
