Slow and Steady is the tenth episode of Power Rangers Legendary. It features the full debut of the Darkzord, as well as the debut of the Golden Legends Megazord, and the Racers Legendary Ranger Gear.
Mega Snail-zoid arrives and begins to slow down time for everyone! Now the rangers have to find a way to stop him, before it's too late! Better Hurry!
To be added
- Zeke
- Mighty Morphin Mechazord
- Wild Force Mechazord
- Mystic Force Mechazord
- Operation Overdrive Mechazord
- Orion
- Kristina
- Chucky
- Zordon
- Negasin
- Erik
- Mega Snail-zoid
- Plug Bots
- Plug Borgs
- Plug Mechs
- To be added
Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]
Legendary Ranger Gears[]
- White Legendary Ranger - White Legendary Ranger Gear, Racers Gear
- Red Legendary Ranger - Red Legendary Ranger Gear
- Yellow Legendary Ranger - Yellow Legendary Ranger Gear
- Pink Legendary Ranger - Pink Legendary Ranger Gear
- Blue Legendary Ranger - Blue Legendary Ranger Gear
- Gold Legendary Ranger - Gold Legendary Ranger Gear, Racers Gear
Elements/Homages to Power Rangers[]
- To be added
- When the Racers Gear is used, a 2nd Blue Racer Ranger appears. This is simply so the Gold Ranger has someone to get his power.