[[Category:Power Rangers Engine Drive]]
Engine Auto Megazord is the combination of Falcon Racer, Shark Bus, Giraffe Train, Jaguar Buggy, Wolf Cruiser, Rhino Tank and Gecko Copter Engine Zords. The Falcon Racer Zord forms head, and torso, the Shark Bus forms the waist, the Giraffe Train Zord forms shoulders and feet, the Jaguar Buggy Zord forms the left arm, the Wolf Cruiser Zord forms the right arm, the Rhino Tank Zord forms hips, thighs and legs and the Gecko Copter Zord forms the helmet, armor and propeller wings. This Megazord fights the bad guys and monsters. The finisher move is "ValveMax Slash" and "Throttle Crush" to finish off the monsters at once.