Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category:Super Samurai]]

The Engine Shogun Megazord is a megazord featured in Power Rangers Super Samurai - Samurai Operators. It's composed of the Engine Shogun Zords, three Zord Attack Vehicles that are black, gold & red doppelgangers of the Eagle Racer, Lion Hauler, & Bear Crawler, called the Burning Eagle Zord, the Roaming Lion Zord, & the Moon Bear Zord. They have additional Shogun weaponry & armor.

Engine Shogun Zords[]

Burning Eagle Zord[]

The Burning Eagle Zord is the samurai analog to the Eagle Racer, a hybrid between an eagle & a racing car that forms the upper body & head of the Engine Shogun Megazord. As with all Zord Attack Vehicles, its essence is within an Engine Cell.

Roaming Lion Zord[]

The Roaming Lion Zord is the samurai analog to the Lion Hauler, a hybrid between a lion & a bus that forms the Engine Shogun Megazord's hip, legs, & katana.

Moon Bear Zord[]

The Moon Bear Zord is the samurai analog to the Bear Crawler, a hybrid between a black bear & a 4WD truck that forms the Engine Shogun Megazord's lower body.



See Also[]
