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Energy Chasers, Assemble is the first episode of Power Rangers Energy Chasers.


An urban city runs on a special energy resources, known as the "Enertron," but Vaglass, an existence that threatens the life of humanity by stealing the energy. Arjuna Patel aka Blue Energy Chaser and Michelle North aka Yellow Energy Chaser were on a mission to watch out for any suspicious activities. They spotted a suspicious man in a building trying to absorb "Enertron". Both Arjuna and Michelle jumps into action and transform into, "Power Rangers Energy Chasers!"


It is 2012. After receiving a special case, a young man named Johnny King arrives to the city on the motorcycle mode of his Buddy Roid Cheetah Nick. In the city, Arjuna Patel and Michelle North of the Energy Management Center watch a group of men siphoning a tank of Enetron. Finding them to be members of Vaglass, they crash through the window before transforming into Blue Energy Chaser and Yellow Energy Chaser, respectively, to fight two of the energy thieves, revealed to be Vaglass's android foot soldiers called Buglers.

After taking out the Buglers, they go after the last energy thief, revealed to be a being named Enter, as he escapes them and infects a power shovel to create the Metaloid Shovelloid. At the Energy Management Center, a new member to the Special Operations Unit named Madison Johnson arrives just prior to Shovelloid's attack on the city being detected in the city's Miyawa district. As the Buddy Roid Rabbit Lettuce explains to Madison what their branch and the Vaglass are, Arjuna and Michelle head out to face the Metaloid.

Alerted to the countdown to the arrival of a Vaglass-affiliated MegaZord, Arjuna and Michelle are unable to stop the Metaloid in time as the Shovel Zord appears. Things seem hopeless as the MegaZord attacks a Enetron Facility Tank until, after seeing his hospitalized sister about making his decision to fight for everyone's sake, Johnny contacts the Energy Management Center to launch the CB-01 Buster Vehicle. Transforming into Red Energy Chaser, Johnny and Nick enter the CB-01 and transform the car into the Go-Buster Ace to fight the ShovelZord. Using its Buster Animal mode to catch its opponent off guard, Go-Buster Ace destroys ShovelZord as the other Busters "shutdown" the Shovelloid.



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