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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.

Eleven's a Crowd is the fourteenth episode of Power Rangers Universe. It is the third and final episode in the three-part arc dealing with the final battle with the Arkeyan Assassins Cereberos and Octiqua, and the debut of the Voyager Pride Megazord, the Snake and Star Battleforce Sector Keys, the full debut of Mikhail Toxstatin, having previously appeared briefly in a flashback in "Nine's Company" and the final appearance of Cereberos.


After Cereberos steals the Deck Sector Key from the Star Battleforce Rangers, the team realises it's going to take the whole team to stop the assassin, and searches for a way to get past his mysterious ability to evade all their attacks, but Arthur is still shaken by his string of bad luck and stays behind, as the others rush to bring up his courage and fight back.


Continuing some time after the previous episode left off, the rangers review Cereberosā€™ beatdown of Arthur, trying to figure out how to overcome Cereberosā€™ predictive power, and whether the encounter with Fuzzy Spectra may have irreparably damaged Arthur's self-confessed "enhanced luck". Colonel Xiao thinks it must be the crystals on his head and shoulders, which provide omnipresent vision for the assasain. This next mission will test his theory in the hopes of finding a weakness, which will be very difficult, as Russell identifies that the enemy may have eye in various parts of his body. Colonel Xiao then spins the Ranger Lottery and chosen for this mission are Dimitri, Bronzee, Florian, Megan and Wild Bill. Everyone is shocked Lucky is not chosen; Florian even notes that Arthur's basically the one who gets chosen every time. Arthur, still reeling from his failure, and with his arm still in a sling, still feels defeated, but wishes everyone luck. Bill canā€™t believe Lucky would give up so easily, but Ryan is sure that this has something to do with Spectra, as he may have come into contact with his dust during the rescue mission to save Russell. As this happens, Cereberos explains his brutal beatdown to His Magnificence and his senators, as some Moonbillies are checking if there are any eyes on his body. To this end, these reflexes come in handy as he knocks one Moonbilly back, seconds before His Magnificence senses that a group of Rangers are on foot on one such planet. With that, Cereberos is sent to take care of them.

On Planet Maithwaite, Cereberos and Octiqua are continuing to cause anarchy, leading an army of Roswells. As this ensues, the five rangers immediately find the two assassins and morph. They quickly charge at them and battle. But the Kyurangers have no answer for Cereberos' inexplicable power. Megan says that Russell may be right about like Cereberos has eyes on the back of his head. That gives Colonel Xiao an idea and he has Russell send Florian the Snake Sector Key. Florian uses the key, which sends out dozens of serpents to analyze Cereberos, but a few serpents comically wrap Florian around as well; Bronzee notices this, and she gets stuck too. Just as Cereberos is about to seize an opening, Colonel Xiao gets the info he needs from Russell, and tells the rangers to return to the Destiny for now. Back on board the Destiny, Colonel Xiao says Cereberos does indeed have ten eyes across his body; Wild Bill says that would allow Cereberos to defend attacks from ten different people. After some discussion from other crew members, Ryan points something out; this could require a whole-team effort, if the 11 of them were willing attack at once, they could possibly defeat him. Colonel Xiao spins the Ranger Lottery and out comes the Star Battleforce Sector Key, a sign that they will all deploy. However, they notice Arthur is not on the bridge. Moose thinks he's still moping over his failure, as Colonel Xiao leaves to reason with him, as Dimitri suggests Megan and Bill speak to Arthur as well.

Arthur is on the promenade all alone as Xiao, Bill and Megan approach him, with the former reminding him that on the moment of his initiation into the Ranger Series Program, he had made a promise to reclaim the galaxy, but regarding his luck, it took years for him to develop, and according to lore, this luck was inherited by Arthur by the legendary space warrior, Orion Pax, whom Colonel Xiao reveals is the ancient ancestor of Arthur. His extreme luck would take many years to develop, since the Arkeyans invaded earth when he was a child, and he was separated by his parents, who were likely lost in the chaos. Colonel Xiao says it doesnā€™t matter whether or not heā€™s actually born with immense gifts and privileges. Arthur claims that he joined Star Battleforce on the for a job, but did not expect himself to become a part of the program, and his luck to increase. Xiao says itā€™s not luck, but Arthur's positive outlook and believing he has luck is what makes him gifted. Arthur is not convinced. But Wild Bill steps forward and literally knocks some sense into him; as Megan attempts to restrain and calm him, Bill punches Arthur to the ground and reminds him that it was Arthur that convinced him to fight again around the time he was being sought out. Everyone in the bridge watches as Bill says they all believe in Arthurā€™s luck, as Moose wittily comments on Arthur's frustration. As all of this happens, His Magnificence contacts Cereberos and Octiqua and tells them he has sent the Head Commandant of the Scorpio Sector to Earth. With the rest of the crew having gone to fight the assassins, Arthur is alone on the bridge; he plays with Ranger Lottery with his own Sector Key and remembers Bill and Megan telling him to try his luck again.

The others, led by Colonel Xiao, arrive on Maithwaite to face Cereberos, all ready to attack at once, but Cereberos had anticipated their arrival; he shoots at every single one of them and knocks ā€™em all down. As Arthur realises his importance in the program and has a change of heart - deciding to help his friends after thinking of a plan himself, the ten rangers get back up, only to get further overwhelmed by Cereberos, forcing them all to de-morph. Cereberos acknowledges they were smart to figure out that he has multiple eyes, but he actually has dozens of eyes all over his body - in turn confirming Russell's suspicions. Before Cereberos can kill them for good, Arthur arrives, much to everyone's. Cereberos says one more person wonā€™t change a thing, but Arthur says heā€™ll give it a shot anyway, as he came up with "the most powerful of plans". Arthur uses the Clone Sector Key and he is able to multiply himself over and over; Bill gets a rise out of all the Arthurs, and the other members of Arthur's entourage are also happy to see their friend's change of heart. The circle of Arthurs all fire at Cereberos to destroy every single one of his eyes. Wild Bill is excited to see the guy who moved him to fight again back, as is everyone else; the whole team then joins Arthur and they all morph. After a roll call, the 12 Star Battleforce Rangers attack Cereberos from all sides and use everything theyā€™ve got. They eventually have him surrounded and Arthur says they are fighting for the hopes and dreams of everyone in the galaxy longing for freedom the oppression of the Arkeyans. After delivering a United All-Star Sector Blast to finish Cereberos off, Arthur catches the Deck Sector Key as it pops out of the assassin.

At this point, His Magnificence signs an executive order, which embiggens Cereberos, the Kyurangers all hop into their Voyagers. Arthur forms the Voyager Squad Megazord with Ryan, Megan, Moose and Bill, while Colonel Xiao forms the Drago Pride Megazord with Russell and Dimitri, as Joi, Bronzee and Florian pilot their individual zords separately for back-up. Cereberos summons a storm, which makes it rain. After a short struggle in which Ryan and Megan swap places with Russell and Dimitri, Dimitri realizes the rain is extremely acidic, which leads to Florian and Bronzee's voyagers to take care of the rain. Suddenly, the Voyagers begin glowing, and Arthur comes up with an idea, which could allow both megazords to combine. With that, although Russell is cautious of any difficulties, the two megazords combine to form the Voyager Pride Megazord. They charge at Cereberos and deliver an All-Star Universal Scramble Blast with the three other Voyagers to finish the assassin off for good. Back on the Destiny, Colonel Xiao places the Deck Sector Key in a special case and it glows in the dark. The rangers are happy to be back on board and back together, and Arthur is happy that his luck is back; they are connected by their Sector Keys and they renew their resolve to take things one step at a time until they liberate all the Universal Sectors. Russell, however, is not at all happy, as he finds out that the Voyager Pride configuration has put severe strain on the Uni-Voyagers, due to the fact that this was an unplanned combination, and warns the others to use that configuration as wisely as possible to prevent further damage. To brighten up the mood, Florian and Bronzee come onto the bridge with some drinks for everyone. Elsewhere, Octiqua goes to welcome Mikhail Toxstatin - the cousin of Dimitri, to Earth; Mikhail is looking forward to seeing his cousin again.


Sector Keys[]


See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars ā€¢ 2: Arkeyans Unleashed ā€¢ 3: The Dream Team ā€¢ 4: Blood and Poison ā€¢ 5: The Little Android That Could ā€¢ 6: Nine's Company ā€¢ 7: Species at Rest ā€¢ 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style ā€¢ 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars ā€¢ 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? ā€¢ 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places ā€¢ 13: Belly of the Beast ā€¢ 14: Eleven's a Crowd ā€¢ 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time ā€¢ 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art ā€¢ 18: The Master and The Molotov ā€¢ 19: Nowhere to Glow ā€¢ 20: Money Lending and Other Sins ā€¢ 21: Crystal Maze ā€¢ 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago ā€¢ 23: Russian Revolution ā€¢ 24: Prometheus ā€¢ 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity ā€¢ 26: Lure ā€¢ 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange ā€¢ 28: Make the Universe Great Again ā€¢ 29: TannhƤuser Gate ā€¢ 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures ā€¢ 32: The Delights of Van Horn ā€¢ 33: The Serpent's Venom ā€¢ 34: Ancient History ā€¢ 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal ā€¢ 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art ā€¢ 37: Welcome to the New World ā€¢ 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed ā€¢ 39: Hell Hath No Fury ā€¢ 40: A New Power ā€¢ 41: What Happens in the Dark... ā€¢ 42: ...Comes Out in the Light ā€¢ 43: The Orion Project ā€¢ 44: Fresh Milk ā€¢ 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout ā€¢ 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene ā€¢ 48: Predator ā€¢ 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald ā€¢ 51: Doradoball ā€¢ 52: Phil Bell Rides Again ā€¢ 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector ā€¢ 55: One Last Thing ā€¢ 56: To Xibalba ā€¢ 57: His Magnificence's Identity ā€¢ 58: The World We Left Behind ā€¢ 59: Magnificence Unleashed ā€¢ 60: The End Game

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