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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Eddie is Red Chasers, the Red Ranger and the team leader of the Energy Chasers Rangers.

His Chasers Power is Super Speed. Thus, his legs can move at incredible speed, giving him the impression of teleporting. His Robotic Defenders is Ducati.

His power, like other Rangers, has a trade-off on weak points. Whenever Eddie sees a dog he freezes until it leaves or one of his teammates attacks him, only to save him.

Character History[]

Thirteen years ago before the events of the first episode, Eddie's father had saved the MDF staff by isolating his entire research building in Cyberspace to contain the virus called "Evokes". Eddie, along with two other children, were able to escape this isolation.

A program in his body grants him superhuman abilities however Evokes him into one implanted with a virus, giving him a weakness of Cynophobia. His brother, Alex, directly agreed, in honor of his parents, to allow him to join the Energy Chasers training program, which is organized and run by the Mirinoi Defence Force. So Eddie, after joining the team, undertakes simulations and training in order to prepare for the possible threat.


Eddie was someone who was impatient but still followed the rules, but also sought to find a challenge for himself. He also shows signs of being overconfident. He is very fond of football and video games. However, despite all of these traits, Eddie acts like a hero to Shaid and Sarah, even reminding them to stop bickering. His hero instincts eventually led the Commander to appoint him team leader as Eddie himself was a born leader despite being a slacker.

His time as a Ranger helped him become a more centered, patient, and mature leader where Eddie was willing to stick with his team and fight Evokes so the rest of Mirinoi Defense Force could get away and stay safe.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Superhuman Speed: Due to being linked with Cheetah DNA, Eddie can move at extremely fast speed. When also using the Fury Key in his new Battlizer, Eddie became much more faster than his original powers were.
    • Vortex Creation: Eddie can move in a circle to create a vortex powerful enough to flush buried debris.
    • Wall Running: During his battle with Gunbots, he was able to move fast enough that he can run on walls.


  • Cynophobia: Due to his connection to cheetah DNA which has been semi-corrupted by Evokes, whenever he encounters a dog (since cheetahs are part of the feline lineage as cats and cats are afraid of dogs ), it freezes instantly.

Red Chasers[]


Red Chasers

This form is the Red Chaser Ranger's default form used in battle against Autobots or other villainous characters. Eddie can manually transform into the Red Ranger using his Chasers Morpher but in order for him to transform he must be bonded with Cheetah's DNA in order to transform into the Red Ranger.


  • Chasers Morpher
  • Chasers Blaster
  • Chasers Saber
  • Cheetah Chasers Claws


  • Ducati Motorbike Mode


PRBM-Red Fury Mode

Red Fury Mode

Red Fury Mode is the Red Ranger's Battlizer Mode to use in battle against his enemies. Fury Mode has been unusable since then, and would eventually be replaced with a much safer mode, Chasers Mode.


  • Chasers Morpher
    • Chasers Visor
  • Chasers Blaster
  • Chasers Saber


  • Cheetah Slash: Eddie could charge up his claws with red energy and slash the Autobots with enough force to immediately obliterate them.


Chasers Mode

When Red Chasers use the EC Visor, data from Ducati is transferred and projected onto the Red Chasers suit to form power armor. Ducati and Red Chasers, to some extent, are combined and can teleport quickly in a puff of red smoke. Red Chasers wins as a final attack: Cheetah Charge which allows him to manifest as a Race Car Chaser Zord in the form of uh Flaming Cheetah which charges towards the enemy.


  • Chasers Morpher
    • Chasers Visor
  • Chasers Blaster
  • Chasers Saber


  • Cheetah Charge: Eddie projects a vortex of golden energy before him, surrounds himself with data schematics and charges into the vortex which changes him into a cheetah of pure red energy (similar to the Race Car Chasers Zord) which would then plough through the Autobot with lethal force.

Behind the Scenes[]


As Red Energy Chasers, his costume actors were Yoshifumi Oshikawa (ęŠ¼å·å–„ę–‡ Oshikawa Yoshifumi) and Hirofumi Fukuzawa (ē¦ę²¢åšę–‡ Fukuzawa Hirofumi) in Go-Busters Super Sentai footage.


  • He's the franchise's first-ever red ranger.


  • to be added

See Also[]

Red Rangers
Showa Power Rangers
Tsuyoshi Kaijo ā€¢ Goro Sakurai ā€¢ Masao Den ā€¢ Ippei Akagi ā€¢ Ryuusuke Oowashi ā€¢ Takayuki Hiba ā€¢ Ken'ichi Akama ā€¢ Hokuto Dan ā€¢ Shirou Gou ā€¢ Hiryuu Tsurugi ā€¢ Jin ā€¢ Takeru ā€¢ Yusuke Amamiya ā€¢ Riki Honoo ā€¢ Gaku Hoshikawa ā€¢ Ryu Tendo

Saban Power Rangers
Jason Lee Scott ā€¢ Rhian ā€¢ Aurico ā€¢ Tommy Oliver ā€¢ T.J. Johnson ā€¢ Andros ā€¢ Leo Corbett ā€¢ Carter Grayson ā€¢ Wesley Collins ā€¢ Cole Evans ā€¢ Shane Clarke ā€¢ Conner McKnight ā€¢ Jack Landors/Sky Tate/Bridge Carson ā€¢ Nick Russell ā€¢ Mack Hartford ā€¢ Casey Rhodes ā€¢ Scott Truman ā€¢ Jayden Shiba/Lauren Shiba ā€¢ Troy Burrows ā€¢ Ewan Hoyle ā€¢ Tyler Navarro ā€¢ Lucas Coleman ā€¢ Brody Romero ā€¢ Nick Aguilar ā€¢ Devon Daniels ā€¢ Eddie Martin ā€¢ Ashton Myler ā€¢ Amelia Jones ā€¢ Tony Krawiec ā€¢ Marcus Beverly ā€¢ Idris Keith ā€¢ Dante Waylon ā€¢ Jet ā€¢ TBA ā€¢ TBA

BOOM! Power Rangers
Rocky DeSantos ā€¢ Jason Lee Scott ā€¢ Aurico ā€¢ T.J. Johnson ā€¢ Andros ā€¢ Leo Corbett ā€¢ Carter Grayson ā€¢ Wesley Collins ā€¢ Cole Evans ā€¢ Shane Clarke ā€¢ Conner McKnight ā€¢ Jack Landors ā€¢ Nick Russell ā€¢ Mack Hartford ā€¢ Casey Rhodes ā€¢ Scott Truman ā€¢ Jayden Shiba/Lauren Shiba ā€¢ Troy Burrows ā€¢ Tyler Navarro ā€¢ Brody Romero ā€¢ Marvin Shih ā€¢ Devon Daniels ā€¢ Zayto ā€¢ Salum ā€¢ Alec Mark

Reiwa Power Rangers

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