Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Drill Ressha
Drill Trainzord
Pilot: Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 6
Season: TQG
Hyper TQG
First Appearance:
Length: 19.0 m
Width: 4.7 m
Height: 6.5 m
Weight: 140 tons
Speed: 400 km/h
Power: 1,300,000

The Drill Trainzord, formerly the Drill Shadow Liner, is an Auxiliary Zord in Power Rangers TQG & Hyper TQG, & also the Trainzord module Aaron uses to power the Guide Breaker. Being a Shadow Liner before, it is capable of entering the House of Zedd's premises; giving the Rainbow Line access to its Shadow Towns.


The Drill Trainzord is a Trainzord that has a drill mounted on the cockpit of the Trainzord. On one occasion, the Drill Trainzord was mounted on the Mecha Trainzord replacing the Mecha Trainzord "hand" part.

Shadow Liner[]

While under the control of the House of Zedd, the Drill Trainzord can be combined with a Shadow LinerZord, being utilized as an attachment on its right arm.


Before becoming a Train Quantum Guardian Trainzord, it was once the Drill Shadow Liner, used by Aaron when he was a Shadow. However, upon leaving the House of Zedd, Aaron was able to summon the Drill Trainzord in order to assist him & the other Train Quantum Guardians by combining with either the Train Quantum Guardian Megazord or the MechaMax Megazord. The Drill Trainzord soon proved even more useful by having the ability to transport the Train Quantum Guardians to towns that had been completely conquered by the House of Zedd, given its former status as a Shadow Liner.

Unfortunately, Aaron lost the Drill Trainzord to the disgraced General Vandun who wished to use it in his vendetta against Emperor Zedd by having his head up his own personal Shadow Liner to give it more power (with it even being able to combine with the Shadow Liner's zord mode. With the Drill Trainzord gone, the Train Quantum Guardians were left unable to travel into & free other Shadow Towns. However, Aaron managed to get the Trainzord back by forming a pact with Vandun that he would assist him in overthrowing Zedd so that he & the Train Quantum Guardians could combine all of their Trainzords with the Hyper Trainzord into the Train Rainbow Ultrazord.


Trainzord Module[]

Drill Ressha

Drill Trainzord Module

Drill Trainzord Module - This Trainzord Module powers up Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 6's Guide Breaker. It can also summon the support Trainzord, the Drill Trainzord.


See Also[]
