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- "D-D-D-Drago!"
- āSummoning announcement via the Drago Command Staff
Drago Voyager 10 is the second core zord of the Uni-Voyager system and personal zord of Star Battleforce Ranger Series Drago in Power Rangers Universe.
Drago Voyager 10 is Ranger Series Drago's Uni-Voyager zord, a sentient Drago Sector dragon that is linked to the Drago Sector Key. By the power of the first nine Star Battleforce Rangers, it gave Colonel Xiao the power to unlock the full potential of the Drago Sector Key's power
It forms the gold helmet, body, torso, and legs of the Drago Pride Megazord in all of its combinations. When fighting alone, its finisher is the Mighty Dragon Strike.
Drago Pride Megazord[]
- "Drago Pride Megazord!"
- āColonel Xiao[src]
The Drago Pride Megazord is the secondary megazord of the Star Battleforce Rangers, primarily used by Star Battleforce Ranger Series Drago. It is formed by combining Drago Voyager 10 and a selection of two other Uni-Voyagers, with the powers and abilities varying with every configuration.
Drago Pride Megazord 21011[]
The default combination of the Drago Pride Megazord is classified as 21011, and features Ursa Voyager 11 as the right arm and Scorpio Voyager 2 as the left arm.
This combination has two finishers:
- Universal Blast: The Drago Pride Megazord shoots a concentrated energy blast through Ursa Voyager 11.
- Universal Union Blast: The Drago Pride Megazord delivers a powerful blast attack alongside Voyager Squad Megazord: Formation 1-4-5-7-9 and the Phoenix Steel Megazord.
Appearances: Universe Episodes TBA
Drago Pride Megazord 7910[]
This alternate combination, classified 7910, features Dorado Voyager 9 as the right arm and Chameleon Voyager 7 as the left arm.
This formation has three finishers.
- Universal Slash: The blade of Dorado Voyager 9 gathers energy from the Sector Key and stabs the opponent.
- Universal Swipe: The Drago Pride Megazord releases a energized hook and uses Chameleon Voyager 7's whip to grab the hook and swing it at the enemy.
- Universal Blast: The Drago Pride Megazord delivers a powerful blast attack from the Chameleon, Dorado and Drago Sector Keys.
Appearances: Universe Episodes TBA
Drago Pride Megazord 4610[]
This alternate combination, classified 4610, features Ophiuchi Voyager 6 as the right arm and Libra Voyager 4 as the left arm.
Its finisher is the Universal Drago Blast, where Ophiuchi Voyager 6 gathers energy from the Sector Keys and delivers a powerful energy blast.
This combination is exclusive to Universe Episode 15.
Drago Pride Megazord 3410[]
This alternate combination, classified 3410, features Lupus Voyager 3 as the right arm and Libra Voyager 4 as the left arm.
Its finisher is the Universal Drago Blast, where the megazord delivers a powerful blast attack from the Lupus, Libra and Drago Sector Keys.
This combination is exclusive to Universe Episode 19.
Drago Pride Megazord 3710[]
Drago Pride Megazord 3910[]
This alternate combination, classified 3910, features Libra Voyager 4 as the right arm and Lupus Voyager 3 as the left arm.
This combination is exclusive to Universe Episode 19.
Drago Pride Megazord 4910[]
This alternate combination, classified 4910, features Libra Voyager 4 as the right arm and Dorado Voyager 9 as the left arm.
Its finisher is the Universal Hyper Slash, where Dorodo Voyager 9 energizes its blade and delivers a powerful rainbow slash at the opponent.
This combination is exclusive to Universe Episode 19.
Drago Pride Megazord 5710[]
This alternate combination, classified 5710, features Taurus Voyager 5 as the right arm and Chameleon Voyager 7 as the left arm.
Its finisher is the Universal Hyper Beam, where Taurus Voyager 5 gathers energy from the Sector Keys and delivers a powerful energy beam at the opponent.
This combination is exclusive to TBA.
Drago Pride Megazord 7810[]
This alternate combination, classified 7810, features Aquilla Voyager 8 as the right arm and Chameleon Voyager 7 as the left arm.
Its finisher the Universal Arrow Blast, where the blade of the Chameleon Voyager 7 manifests an energy arrow while the Aquilla Voyager's wings serve as a bow to shoot it at the opponent.
Appearances: Universe Episodes TBA
Drago Pride Megazord 61011[]
Drago Pride Megazord: Formation 7-8-10: This combination features Ursa Voyager 11 as the right arm and Ophiuchi Voyager 6 as the left arm.
Its finisher the Universal Drago Blast, where it shoots a concentrated energy blast through Ursa Voyager 11.
Appearances: Universe Episodes TBA
Drago Pride Megazord 3510[]
Drago Pride Megazord 81011[]
Drago Pride Megazord 8910[]
Drago Pride Megazord 3610[]
Drago Pride Megazord 4510[]
Voyager Pride Megazord[]
The Voyager Pride Megazord is the combination of the Voyager Squad and Drago Pride Megazords. All combinations include Drago Voyager 10's helmet as the chest cannon.
For all formations, its finisher is the All-Star Universal Scramble Blast, where the eight Sector Keys build up energy and fire a powerful blast through the dragon's mouth on its chest.
According to Russell, the Voyager Pride Megazord was not part of the original plans for the Uni-Voyagers. Therefore, prolonged use can put strain and damage the Voyagers.
Voyager Pride Megazord 1235791011[]
The default combination, classified 1235791011, features the Dorado Voyager 9 as the right cannon, the Chameleon Voyager 7 as the left cannon, the Ursa Voyager 11 as the right arm, the Scorpio Voyager 2 as the left arm, the Taurus Voyager 5 as the right leg and the Lupus Voyager 3 as the left leg.
Appearances: Universe Episodes TBA
Voyager Pride Megazord 125678910[]
The default combination, classified 125678910, features the Dorado Voyager 9 as the right cannon, the Chameleon Voyager 7 as the left cannon, the Ophiuchi Voyager 6 as the right arm, the Aquilla Voyager 8 as the left arm, the Taurus Voyager 5 as the right leg and the Scorpio Voyager 2 as the left leg.
Voyager Pride Megazord 1245791011[]
The default combination, classified 1245791011, features the Dorado Voyager 9 as the right cannon, the Chameleon Voyager 7 as the left cannon, the Ursa Voyager 11 as the right arm, the Scorpio Voyager 2 as the left arm, the Taurus Voyager 5 as the right leg and the Libra Voyager 4 as the left leg.
See Also[]
- Kyutama Gattai RyuTeiOh - Super Sentai counterpart in Uchu Sentai Kyuranger. see comparison page.