Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an megazord in Power Rangers Quantum Leap .

"Draco Star Megazord!"
ā€•Quantum Leap Rangers[src]

The Draco Star Megazord is the second megazord in Power Rangers Quantum Leap.


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The Voyagezords are the personal zords of the Quantum Leap Rangers. Each Voyagezord (except the Draco Voyagezord) can form either arm for the robot.

Draco Voyagezord[]

Appearances: Quantum Leap Episodes TBA

Scorpius Voyagezord[]

Appearances: Quantum Leap Episodes TBA

Ursa Voyagezord[]

Appearances: Quantum Leap Episodes TBA

Ursa Minor Voyagezord[]

Appearances: Quantum Leap Episodes TBA

Ursa Major Voyagezord[]

Appearances: Quantum Leap Episodes TBA

Alternate Combinations[]

Draco Star Megazord 07*09*10[]

Draco Star Megazord 07*09*10: This combination features the Dorado Voyagezord as the right arm and Chamaeleon Voyagezord as the left arm.
Appearances: Quantum Leap Episodes TBA

Star System Megazord[]

Star System Megazord 01*02*03*05*07*09*10*11[]

The Star System Megazord is the combination of Quantum Star Megazord and Draco Star Megazord.
Appearances: Quantum Leap Episodes TBA

Star System Megazord 01*02*04*05*07*09*10*11[]

Draco Star Megazord 07*09*10[]

Draco Star Megazord 03*04*10[]

Draco Star Megazord 06*10*11[]

Draco Star Megazord 03*05*10[]

Draco Star Megazord 08*09*10[]

Draco Star Megazord 03*08*10[]


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See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Quantum Leap Icon-kyuranger
Reous - Vitus Taban - Lyant - Zuben - Toran - Phin Dendros - Brooke - Amelia - Naeus - Eltan Taban - Dipper Taban - Pyron
Quantum Blast Morpher (Quantum Conquer Morpher) - Quantum Draco Staff - Quantum Phoenix Buster
Multi-Use Devices
Quantum Globes
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Quantum Star Weapon
Quantum Star Saber - Quantum Star Spear - Quantum Star Claw - Quantum Star Crosser - Quantum Star Axe - Quantum Star Scythe - Quantum Star Rapier - Quantum Star Blaster - Quantum Star Dagger
TBA - Pegason - Sejorus - Rina - Corvius - Orion - Reonis - Dr. Riat
Zords and Megazords
Leo Voyagezord - Scorpius Voyagezord - Lupus Voyagezord - Libra Voyagezord - Taurus Voyagezord - Ophiuchus Voyagezord - Chamaeleon Voyagezord - Aquila Voyagezord - Dorado Voyagezord - Draco Voyagezord - Ursa Voyagezord (Minor - Major) - Phoenix Voyagezord - Voyage Satellite - Voyage Launcher - Orion Voyagezord - Quantum Orion Ship - Leo Minor Voyagezord
Quantum Star Megazord - Draco Star Megazord - Burning Star Megazord - Quantum Orion Megazord
Star System Megazord - Galaxy Star Megazord - Universe Star Cannon - Leo Major Voyagezord - Quantum Leo Megazord
USK-Jark Matter Logo Quantum Conquerors
King: King Geddon
Viceroy/Vice Aethioid: Pheus - Peia - Pers
Grand Dukes: Tari - Corpi - Rietis - Eonoris - Eonis - Phei - Tantis - Rucis
Executioner: Caprion
Scientist: Cultor - Rianton
Vassals: Certae - Cetius - Lavader - Uniceron - Terravader - Evader - Glovader - Soivader - Contivader - Aquile - Zomvader - Citrin - Lyxanis - Caelin - Monocron - Shuttervader - Microvader
Assassins: Cruxias
Combatants: Vaders - Kingvaders
Robots: To be added
Others: Monolins - Metal Monolin - King Monolin - Torant - Reonis (impostor) - Corvius
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