Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an universal sector in Power Rangers Universe.

The Dorado Sector is a Universal Sector home to an unknown alien species; not much is known about this Sector at present, but according to Ryan Torres, it is home to human-like extra-terrestrials with amphibious physiology. As one of the 88 Constellations, it is part of the space dominated by the Arkeyan Empire, with its power embodied by its very own legendary Sector Key and Uni-Voyager wielded by the native Star Battleforce Power Ranger.

Sector Key[]

The Dorado Sector Key is the Sector Key which embodies the constellation Dorado. Given to Star Battleforce cadet Ryan Torres by Colonel Xiao Longbao, it allowed him to become Star Battleforce's Yellow Ranger, granting him control of Dorado Voyager 9.


See also[]
