Dino Ultra Chargers Ready! Summon Zords! [[Category:Power Rangers Dino UltraCharge (Starlina's Version)]]
Activate Dino UltraCharge MegaZord!
The Dino UltraCharge MegaZord is the Primary Megazord of the Dino UltraCharge Rangers. The Successor of the original Dino Charge MegaZord. with the Dino Ultra Chargers the Rangers can create combo MegaZord depending on each battle.
After the Dino UltraCharge Power Rangers formed the Zords awaken and immediately answered their call. The first 3 Rangers (Tristian, Chris and Kati) formed the Dino UltraCharge MegaZord Shove-Stego Formation. The Next day 2 new Rangers (Ricky and Saya) joined the team and formed the Dino UltraCharge MegaZord ParaSniper Raptor Ax Formation. This form was once again used in The Rise of a New Raptor when Shaunelle join the team as the new Pink Ranger. [[Category:Power Rangers Dino UltraCharge (Starlina's Version)]]