Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"It's Morphin' Time! Dino Super Charger, Ready! Energize! Unleash the Power!"
ā€•Transformation call[src]

"(Dino Super Charger name) Engage!"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

The Dino Super Charge Morpher is the Dino Super Charge Rangers' transformation device and main gun weapon.

The voice for the morpher is provided by Campbell Cooley.


File:Power Rangers Dino Super Charge - Power Rangers First Team Morph

To transform by shouting "It's Morphin Time! Dino Super Charger, Ready!", the Ranger inserts the activated Dino Super Charger into one of the holes in the mouth of the Morpher. Once the mouth is pressed down, the user spins the barrel by shouting "Energize!", energizing the charger and raising the morpher up. The user pulls the trigger by shouting "Unleash the Power!" and shoots into the air, forming a construct of their Dino Super Charge Zord's head, which flies around the Dino Super Charge Ranger unleashing the power, then stops behind them and "chomps" once, forming the suit, with a second one to form the helmet. The Dino Charge Ranger needs to eject/remove his/her used Dino Super Charger from the morpher if he/she wants to cancel the transformation.

Other Uses[]

When the cylinder is spun again after transforming, the Ranger shouts "Energize!", allowing himself/herself to fire the "Dino Morpher Blast" attack while the Charger is inside. If a second Dino Charger is inserted into the Dino Super Charge Morpher allowing the Ranger himself/herself to fire a stronger version of the Dino Morpher Blast.

The Dino Super Charge Morphers can also be inserted into Dino Super Charge Megazord that serves as joystick to control the Megazord.


  • This is the second gun Morpher used by the core team.
    • The first was the one their predecessor used.
  • The second half of the morphing sequence (for the core five Rangers) is carried over from Power Rangers Dino Force Brave.
  • The Brave Dino Force Rangers removed their Dinocells from their weapons to return to human form. Although the Dino Super Charge Morpher has been shown to work identically to the GabuGaburivolver, the Dino Super Charge Rangers are never seen demorphing using this method.


See Also[]
