Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a/an set of items in Power Rangers Jurassic Order.

The Dino Spirit Cores are a set of items used by the Jurassic Order Rangers.


Shaped like prehistoric animal heads, the Dino Spirit Cores can butterfly open from Head Mode to Spirit Mode, where the neck base forms a shield as the crest forms either an arm wielding a weapon or an exaggerated specialized arm. The stronger (Element) Spirit Cores increase the armor's coverage to the chest and the other arm not wielding the weapon that activates it, while the shield is replaced with the head/heads of the (Elemental) Knightzord on one or both shoulders. Forming a Megazord head, a Spirit Core in Spirit Mode turns around to reveal the Megazord head, which subsequently has the top half of the head in Head Mode as a form of antenna. This is only seen with the (Element) Spirit Cores with (Elemental) Knightzords, as they otherwise have a facsimile of a knight's faceguard. The Omega Spirit Core is the main exception to spirit mode, as it folds from the Jurassic Ranger emblem into a crest resembling a dinosaur's face.


to be added

List of Dino Spirit Cores[]

These Dino Spirit Cores are used by the Jurassic Order Rangers to unlock their powers and forms.

ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Ranger!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Nexus! Tyranno Core!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Jurassic Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

KSR-Red RyuSoul

Tyranno Spirit Core

KSR-Red RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Tyranno Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Ranger!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Sharp Blade! Tricera Slash!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Jurassic Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

KSR-Blue RyuSoul

Tricera Spirit Core

KSR-Blue RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Tricera Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Ranger!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Heavy Hammer! Ankylo Smash!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Jurassic Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

KSR-Pink RyuSoul

Ankylo Spirit Core

KSR-Pink RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Ankylo Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Ranger!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of Speedy Strikes! Smilo Sonic!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Jurassic Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

KSR-Green RyuSoul

Smilo Spirit Core

KSR-Green RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Smilo Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Ranger!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of Sharpened Needles! Miraga Spike!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Jurassic Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

KSR-Black RyuSoul

Miraga Spirit Core

KSR-Black RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Miraga Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Ranger!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Deep Sea! Mosa Core!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Jurassic Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

KSR-Gold RyuSoul

Mosa Spirit Core

KSR-Gold RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Mosa Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

"Primura Core!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Primura Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Spirit Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Knight of the Cursed Armor! Primura!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Primura Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Primura Spirit Core

KSR-GaiSoul (Knight Mode)

Primura Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Primura Spirit Core - Used by Primura Knight. It is a redeco of the Tyranno Spirit Core. The Primura Spirit Core is only seen after the purification of the Primura Knight armor, as previous users would transform automatically. After being purified, the Primura Spirit Core is able to drain the emotions of hatred from individuals, as the armor was originally powered by hatred in the first place.

These Dino Spirit Cores are used by the Jurassic Order Ragers to unlock special arm-mounted armaments.

"Power Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Power Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Power Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Powerful Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Powerful Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Powerful Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Powerful Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Power Spirit Core

KSR-TsuyoSoul (Knight Mode)

Power Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Power Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Rauisuchus. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to unleash a powerful roaring attack and increase their attacking power, as well as slash energy crescents freely.

"Elastic Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Elastic Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Elastic Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Elastic Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Elastic Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Elastic Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Elastic Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Elastic Spirit Core

KSR-NobiSoul (Knight Mode)

Elastic Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Elastic Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Lambeosaurus. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to stretch their body & become flexible, and as an armament it allows one to stretch their arm and/or the blade of their Jurassic Bite Saber freely.

"Gravity Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Gravity Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Gravity Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Gravity Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Gravitational Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Gravitational Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Gravity Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Gravity Spirit Core

KSR-OmoSoul (Knight Mode)

Gravity Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Gravity Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Brachiosaurus. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to manipulate gravity, manifested as an energy ball & chain latching onto the target and weighing them down.

"Velocity Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Velocity Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Velocity Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Velocity Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Speeding Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Speeding Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Velocity Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Velocity Spirit Core

KSR-HayaSoul (Knight Mode)

Velocity Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Velocity Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Microraptor. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to become faster in battle.

"Guard Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Guard Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Guard Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Guarding Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Guarding Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Guarding Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Guarding Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Guard Spirit Core

KSR-KataSoul (Knight Mode)

Guard Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Guard Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Archelon. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to become invulnerable to any form of attack.

"Audio Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Audio Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Audio Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Audio Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Audible Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Audio Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Audio Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Audio Spirit Core

KSR-KikeSoul (Knight Mode)

Audio Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Audio Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Allosaurus. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to gain an enhanced sense of hearing.

"Odor Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Odor Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Odor Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Odor Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Odor Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Odor Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Odor Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Odor Spirit Core

KSR-KusaSoul (Knight Mode)

Odor Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Odor Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Quetzalcoatlus. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to create a stinky fog around them.

"Sight Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Sight Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Sight Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Sightful Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Sightful Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Sightful Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Sightful Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Sight Spirit Core

KSR-MieSoul (Knight Mode)

Sight Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Sight Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Iguanodon. This Spirit Core enhances the sight of anyone who uses it, giving them telescopic vision that can help them locate a person or object. It can also grant the user semi-x-ray vision as well as microscopic views.

"Muscle Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Muscle Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Muscle Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Muscular Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Muscular Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Muscular Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Muscular Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Muscle Spirit Core

KSR-MukimukiSoul (Knight Mode)

Muscle Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Muscle Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Dilophosaurus. This Spirit Core enlarges the arm muscles of its user to gigantic proportions and enhances their strength.

"Minimize Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Minimize Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Minimize Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Minimizing Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Minimizing Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Minimizing Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Minimizing Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Minimize Spirit Core

KSR-ChiisaSoul (Knight Mode)

Minimize Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Minimize Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Mapusaurus. This Spirit Core allows anyone to shrink their target.

"Flash Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Flash Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Flash Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Flashing Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Flashing Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Flashing Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Flashing Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Flash Spirit Core

KSR-MabushiSoul (Knight Mode)

Flash Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Flash Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Deinonychus. This Spirit Core allows the user to produce a powerful flash of light.

"Mist Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Mist Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Mist Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Misting Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Misting Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Misting Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Misting Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Mist Spirit Core

KSR-MistSoul (Knight Mode)

Mist Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Mist Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Protoceratops. This Spirit Core allows the user to produce a mist capable of reversing petrification. The mist can also be electrified for combat.

"Aero Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Aero Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Aero Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Aero Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Aerial Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Aero Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Aero Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Aero Spirit Core

KSR-KaruSoul (Knight Mode)

Aero Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Aero Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Archaeopteryx. This Spirit Core allows the user to make anyone or anything lighter in weight, often to the point that they'll start floating.

"Reverse Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Reverse Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Reverse Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Reversing Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Reversing Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Reversing Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Reversing Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Reverse Spirit Core

KSR-GyakuSoul (Knight Mode)

Reverse Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Reverse Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Parasaurolophus. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to repair recently broken objects.

"Truth Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Truth Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Truth Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Truthful Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Truthful Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Truthful Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Truthful Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Truth Spirit Core

KSR-KotaeSoul (Knight Mode)

Truth Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Truth Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Edmontosaurus. This Spirit Core enables its user to get the answers from any person by putting them into a sleep-like trance where they'll answer questions truthfully. This extends to them during unconscious moments.

"Polish Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Polish Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Polish Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Polishing Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Polishing Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Polishing Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Polishing Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Polish Spirit Core

KSR-MigakeSoul (Knight Mode)

Polish Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Polish Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Pachycephalosaurus. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to polish any surface as a reflective distraction.

"Smell Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Smell Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Smell Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Smelling Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Smelling Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Smelling Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Smelling Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Smell Spirit Core

KSR-KunkunSoul (Knight Mode)

Smell Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Smell Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Maiasaura. This Spirit Core enhances the user's sense of smell.

"Inflate Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Inflate Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Inflate Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Inflating Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Inflating Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Inflating Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Inflation Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Inflate Spirit Core

KSR-PukupukuSoul (Knight Mode)

Inflate Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Inflate Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Altirhinus. This Spirit Core allows anyone who uses it to inflate the target like a balloon and send them floating skyward.

"Invisibility Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Invisibility Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Invisibility Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Invisible Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Invisible Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Invisible Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Invisible Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Invisibility Spirit Core

KSR-KakureSoul (Knight Mode)

Invisibility Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Invisibility Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Megalosaurus. This Spirit Core allows its user and/or anyone around them to become invisible.

"Clone Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Clone Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Clone Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Cloning Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Cloning Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Cloning Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Cloning Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Clone Spirit Core

KSR-FueSoul (Knight Mode)

Clone Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Clone Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Troodon. This Spirit Core enables its user to manifest a duplicate of either themselves or any object.

"Rotation Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Rotation Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Rotation Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Rotation Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Rotating Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Rotation Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Rotating Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Rotation Spirit Core

KSR-MawariSoul (Knight Mode)

Rotation Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Rotation Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Utahraptor. This Spirit Core allows its user to make anyone spin at great speeds. It is also capable of generating whirlwinds.

"Rest Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Rest Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Rest Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Resting Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Resting Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Restful Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Resting Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Rest Spirit Core

KSR-NemuSoul (Knight Mode)

Rest Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Rest Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Cryolophosaurus. This Spirit Core allows its user to make anyone hit fall asleep.

"Evaporate Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Evaporate Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Evaporate Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Evaporating Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Evaporating Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Evaporating Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Evaporation Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Evaporate Spirit Core

KSR-KawakiSoul (Knight Mode)

Evaporate Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Evaporate Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Pachyrhinosaurus. This Spirit Core allows its user to evaporate any moisture.

"Soft Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Soft Charge!"
ā€•Attack announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Rush! Soft Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Soft Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Cottony Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Soft Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Cottony Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Soft Spirit Core

KSR-YawarakaSoul (Knight Mode)

Soft Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Soft Spirit Core - An auxiliary Spirit Core holding the spirit of the Struthiomimus. This Spirit Core allows its user to soften any objects or walls.

These Element Spirit Cores are used by the Jurassic Order Rangers to unlock special power-up armors.

"Inferno Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Elemental Rush! Inferno Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Inferno Jurassic Surge!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Inferno Primura Slash!"
ā€•Attack announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Inferno Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Raging Flames! Dimetro Flame!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Elemental Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Inferno Spirit Core

KSR-MeraMeraSoul (Knight Mode)

Inferno Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Inferno Spirit Core: Holds the spirit of the Dimetro Flame Knightzord; based on a Dimetrodon. It enables access to the Inferno Jurassic Armor, which has fire-based abilities.

"Thunder Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Elemental Rush! Thunder Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Thunder Jurassic Surge!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Thunder Primura Slash!"
ā€•Attack announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Thunder Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Roaring Thunder! Spino Thunder!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Elemental Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Thunder Spirit Core

KSR-BiriBiriSoul (Knight Mode)

Thunder Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Thunder Spirit Core: Holds the spirit of the Spino Thunder Knightzord; based on a Spinosaurus. It enables access to the Thunder Jurassic Armor, which has lightning-based abilities.

"Shadow Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Elemental Rush! Shadow Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Shadow Jurassic Surge!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Shadow Primura Slash!"
ā€•Attack announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Shadow Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of Destructive Darkness! Shadow Raptor!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Elemental Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Shadow Spirit Core

KSR-KurayamiSoul (Knight Mode)

Shadow Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

"Light Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Elemental Rush! Light Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Light Jurassic Surge!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Light Primura Slash!"
ā€•Attack announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Light Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Healing Light! Shine Raptor!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Elemental Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Light Spirit Core

KSR-KagayakiSoul (Knight Mode)

Light Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Light Spirit Core: Holds the spirit of the Shine Raptor Knightzord; based on a Velociraptor. It enables access to the Light Jurassic Armor, which has light-based abilities. On its own, it can be used to heal any injuries or wounds.

"Cosmic Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Elemental Rush! Cosmic Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Cosmic Jurassic Surge!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Cosmic Primura Slash!"
ā€•Attack announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Cosmic Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Universe! Cosmic Raptor!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Elemental Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Cosmic Spirit Core

KSR-CosmoSoul (Knight Mode)

Cosmic Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Cosmic Spirit Core: Holds the spirit of the Cosmic Raptor Knightzord; based on a Velociraptor. It enables access to the Cosmic Jurassic Armor, which has both light & darkness-based abilities.

"Terra Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Elemental Rush! Terra Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Terra Jurassic Surge!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Terra Primura Slash!"
ā€•Attack announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Terra Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Steeds of Family Attack! Pachy Brawler! Pachy Cub!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Elemental Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Terra Spirit Core

KSR-DoshinSoul (Knight Mode)

Terra Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

"Blizzard Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber and Primura Blade[src]

"Elemental Rush! Blizzard Armor On!"
ā€•Armor summoning announcement[src]

"Blizzard Jurassic Surge!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Blizzard Primura Slash!"
ā€•Attack announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Blizzard Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Steed of the Sub-zero Blizzard! Ptera Core!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Elemental Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]


Blizzard Spirit Core

KSR-HieHieSoul (Knight Mode)

Blizzard Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Blizzard Spirit Core: Holds the spirit of the Ptera Core Knightzord; based on a Pterosaur. It enables access to the Blizzard Jurassic Armor, which has ice-based abilities.

KSR-Max Ryusoul

Omega Spirit Core

KSR-Max Ryusoul (Open)

Omega Spirit Core (Opened)

  • Omega Spirit Core: Holds the spirit of Primura Knight. It enables the Red Jurassic Ranger to access his final form courtesy of Primura Knight's reformatted armor, which maximizes and combines the powers of all the Spirit Cores and Element Spirit Cores.

These are Spirit Cores that do not fit any of the preceding categories.

"Raw Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement in the Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Jurassic Ranger!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Jurassic Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"The Original Jurassic Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Jurassic Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

KSR-Hajimari no RyuSoul

Raw Spirit Core

KSR-Hajimari no RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Raw Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Raw Spirit Core: The raw, amber form of the transformation Spirit Cores. This Spirit Core was forged from the meteor that crashed on Jurasar millions of years ago. These Spirit Cores are used to create transformation Spirit Cores. Raw Spirit Cores cannot be used in any of the arsenal wielded by the Jurassic Order Rangers due to its unrefined power.

"Blank Core!"
ā€•Activation announcement in the Jurassic Knighter and Jurassic Bite Saber[src]

"Spirit Core!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Primura Blade[src]

"Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Primura Blade[src]

"Blank Dino Spirit!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

"Super Paladin Slash!"
ā€•Finisher announcement with the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

KSR-Blank Ryusoul

Blank Spirit Core

KSR-BlankSoul (Knight Mode)

Blank Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

  • Blank Spirit Core: The original form of auxiliary and Element Spirit Cores. Copies of this core are equipped on the sides of the Core Hatchers which then turn into either auxiliary or Element Spirit Cores whenever a Jurassic Ranger removes one from one of the holders on their belts.


  • to be added


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Jurassic Order Icon-ryusoulger
Tylanar - Owen Turner - Harper Brant - Zephiya - Eldarren - Hydrick - Galancer
Jurassic Knighter - Jurassic Bite Saber - Mosa Knight Blaster - Primura Blade - Omega Knight Claw - Paladin Knight Saber - Dino Spirit Cores - Mosa Saw Blade - Mosa Max Striker - Core Hatcher - Hydro Core Hatcher
Zords & Megazords
Tyranno Core Knightzord - Tricera Slash Knightzord - Ankylo Smash Knightzord - Smilo Sonic Knightzord - Miraga Spike Knightzord - Mosa Core Knightzord
Dimetro Flame Knightzord - Spino Thunder Knightzord - Shine Raptor Knightzord - Shadow Raptor Knightzord - Cosmic Raptor Knightzord - Pachy Brawler Knightzord - Pachy Cub Knightzord - Ptera Core Knightzord - Ptera Rex Knightzord
Rex Knight Battlezord - Triassaur Knight Megazord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Sonic Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Spike Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Slash Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Smash Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Flame Formation - Hydro Knight Megazord - Trinosaurus Megazord - Hydro Knight Megazord Shadow Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Cosmic Formation - Hydro Knight Megazord Cosmic Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Brawler Formation - Ptera Knight Battlezord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Flight Formation - Sauriapex Ultrazord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Blue Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Black Formation
Warfare Tribe Druidon Logo Chesstaun Order
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