[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]
Dino Monarch Megazord is the combination of Apatosaur, Styraco, Plesio, Therizino, and Seismo Zords. Seismo and Plesio forms the arms for the Megazord left and right respectively, while Styraco and Therizino Zords forms the right and left lower legs and feet and Apatosaur forms the head, torso, waist, hips and thighs of the Megazord. Dino Monarch Megazord prevents Dino Knight Megazord from being destroyed by the enemies. Dino Monarch Megazord's main weapon is "Dino Spear" to destroy the strong monsters and the enemies as well. The finisher move is "Dino Crush" and "Prehistoric Beam Wave" to finish off the monsters at once. Both Dino Knight and Dino Monarch Megazords work together by using the finisher called "Prehistoric Fury" and Monarch itself is called "Dino Slash". Dino Monarch Megazord saves the day and Rangers will celebrate their own victory.
Seismo Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]
Seismo Zord is Pink Parasaur Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Seismosaurus and its long neck was shorter than Brachiosaurus. Seismo Zord can attack the enemies with its neck. Seismo Zord forms the long staff arm gauntlet for Dino Knight Megazord, and later forms the right arm of Dino Monarch Megazord.
Styraco Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]
Styraco Zord is Blue Tricera Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Styracosaurus. However, Styraco Zord can attack the enemies and does the same thing as Tricera Zord. Styraco Zord forms the shield and armor for Dino Knight Megazord, and later forms the right leg of Dino Monarch Megazord.
Plesio Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]
Plesio Zord is Green Raptor's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Plesiosaurus and has a swim ability to swim in distance plus it can go further. Plesio Zord can swim underwater to destroy the sea enemies and monsters. Plesio Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord to form surf board for the Megazord to ride on. And Plesio Zord forms the left arm of Dino Monarch Megazord.
Therizino Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]
Therizino Zord is Yellow Pteranodon Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Therizinosaurus and it was huge beast by any means necessary. Therizino Zord can attack the enemies to hurt them with its claws and dispose them in deeds. Therizino Zord forms the bazooka for Dino Knight Megazord. Therizino helps Dino Knight Megazord to prevent enemies from coming in. Therizino Zord forms the left leg of Dino Monarch Megazord.
Apatosaur Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]
Apatosaur Zord is Red Tyranno Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Apatosaurus and it was fascinating plant beast. Apatosaur Zord can attack the enemies to hurt and get rid of them for good. Apatosaur Zord forms the hammer for Dino Knight Megazord. Dino Knight Megazord uses Apato Hammer to destroy enemies for good. It allows to finish the Megazord off the strong enemies and Monsters with the big strong hammer as well. The Apatosaur Zord forms head, torso, waist, hips and thighs of Dino Monarch Megazord.