"Dino Guard Megazord Stego Formation, Ready!" - Announcement after completing transformation.
The Dino Guard Megazord Stego Formation is the combined from of the Dino Guard Megazord Tri-Ankylo Formation and the Stego Zord in Power Rangers Dino Guard.
It consists of the Stego Zord and its DinoSoul acting as the head, armour, and the dual Knight Mace as its weapons, the T-Rex Zord's default megazord formation, the Tricera and Ankylo Zords lower halves as shoulder pads and the T-Rex Zord's drills on it's knees.
- Stego Zord (Black, Armour and Weapon)
- T-Rex Zord (Red, Main Body)
- Tricera Zord (Blue, Shoulder Pad)
- Ankylo Zord (Pink, Shoulder Pad)
See Also[]
- Ryusoul Gattai KishiRyuOh MilNeedle - Super Sentai Counterpart in Ryusoulger