Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-ryusoulger This article is about a/an morpher in Power Rangers Dinoric Knights.

"Omega Knight Up!"
ā€•Transformation call[src]

The Dino Claw Morpher is a hand-held claw weapon used by the Red Dinoric Ranger to power-up into the Omega Dinoric Ranger.


The Dino Claw Morpher a hand-held red and silver claw-colored, black and metallic dark teal base-colored weapon while at the top of the base near the wide gold hexagon shield-shaped button shows a metallic green eyed T-Rex-like dragon faced Dino Key that's has a metallic gold upper jaw and a metallic red lower jaw all on a black background.


When the Zephyr armor was damaged, it transferred it's energy to Theo Harper and created both the Omega Dinoric Key and the Dino Claw Morpher.


KSR-Max Ryusoul Changer

"Omega Roar!"
ā€•Omega Dinoric Key insertion announcement[src]

"Let's Go! Omega! Armor Up! Ranger!"
ā€•Standby announcement[src]

"(Tribal music) Omega Knight!"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

To transform, the Red Dinoric Ranger inserts the Omega Dinoric Key into the slot on the device's right side and presses the gold button, causing the Omega Dinoric Key to unfold, flatten and fill the space behind the changer, initiating the transformation. The armor then generates much like the Zephyr armor and attaches to the Red Dinoric Ranger as he raises the morpher.

Special Attack[]

"Omega Charge!"
ā€•Attack standby announcement[src]

"Omega Strike!"
ā€•Attack announcement[src]

By bumping the side button on the Dino Claw Morpher with the Paleo Blade's handle, the Omega Dinoric Ranger generates flaming energy through both weapons and executes the Omega Claw Burst, a red energy slash with the Paleo Blade followed by a triple yellow energy slash with the Dino Claw Morpher.

After inserting an Auxilary Dino Key or Dinoric Key in one of the Morpher's slots, the Omega Dinoric Ranger slams it on the ground as the energy spreads through shockwaves until it reaches the target. The Omega Dinoric Ranger can also fill both slots with any combination of (Dinoric) Keys to further incapacitate the enemy.

Finishing Strike[]

ā€•Finisher activation announcement w/ Omega Dinoric Key[src]

"Omega Burst!"
ā€•Finisher announcement w/ Omega Dinoric Key[src]

"Dino Key!"
ā€•Dino Key insertion announcement[src]

ā€•Finisher activation announcement w/ two Dino Keys[src]

"Dino Burst!"
ā€•Finisher announcement w/ two Dino Keys[src]

"Dinoric Key!"
ā€•Dinoric Key insertion announcement[src]

ā€•Finisher activation announcement w/ one Dino Key and one Dinoric Key[src]

"Dino Element Burst!"
ā€•Finisher announcement w/ one Dino Key and one Dinoric Key[src]

ā€•Finisher activation announcement w/ two Dinoric Keys[src]

"Element Burst!"
ā€•Finisher announcement w/ two Dinoric Keys[src]

To finish an opponent with the Omega Dinoric Key, the Omega Dinoric Ranger presses the central gold button, generating Zephyr's energy and combining it with his own for the Omega Claw Burst, where the Omega Dinoric Ranger does a corkscrew dive and pierces the opponent with the Dino Claw Morpher. The technique has a weakness in that it cannot be used consecutively, and it leaves the Omega Dinoric Ranger defenseless for a short while.


to be added

Power nav icon Power Rangers Dinoric Knights Icon-ryusoulger
Theo Harper - Owen Pratt - Tessa Pierce - Leon Knight - Jacob Burton - Zack Randolph - Lance
Dinoric Morpher - Dinoric Blaster - Zephyr Blade - Dino Claw Morpher - Max Paleo Blade - Dino Keys - Paleo Blade - Mosa Slasher - Dinoric Buster
Alfred Stephenson - Daphne Stephenson - Elder of the Dinoric Tribe - Rachael Randolph
The Masters
Master Harper - Master Pratt - Master Pierce - Master Knight - Master Burton
Zords and Megazords
T-Rex Dinoric Zord - Tricera Dinoric Zord - Ankylo Dinoric Zord - Saber-Tooth Dinoric Zord - Stego Dinoric Zord - Mosa Dinoric Zord
Dimetro Dinoric Zord - Light Raptor Dinoric Zord - Dark Raptor Dinoric Zord - Pachy Dinoric Zord - Pachy Minizord - Ptera Dinoric Zord
Rex Knight Megazord - Mosa Knight Megazord - Spino Dinoric Zord - Spino Rex Megazord - Cosmo Dinoric Zord - Cosmo Knight Megazord - PteraRex Dinoric Zord - Ptera Knight Megazord - Ptera Pachy Megazord - King Knight Megazord - Quin Knight Megazord Blue - Quin Knight Megazord Black
Druidon symbol Chess Tribe
Leaders: Reina
Generals: Castank - Wishop - Casub - Bishon - Knighter - Cannop (Master Burton) - Knightlings - Kingurai
Generals: Shroom
Beastmates: Basilisk Beastmate - Unicorn Beastmate - Medusa Beastmate - Kraken Beastmate - Cerberus Beastmate (second) - Cockatrice Beastmate - Mimic Beastmate - Troll Beastmate - Shen Beastmate - Kelpie Beastmate - Pan Beastmate - Ghoship Beastmate - Golem Beastmate - Grimoire Beastmate - Necro Beastmate
Footsoldiers: Pawn Troops
Allies: Zephyr - Galagon
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