Dino-Rangers is a series created by RFyle11. If Korea it's called Power Rangers Dino Force.
In the Dino-Kingdom elder/master chosen new warriors of new generation, the 101 team the “Dino-Cards” gain access powers, weapons, elements, robots/zords/mechas etc. The chosen warriors from the forest/kingdom after generation from ancient and predecessors.
Both Blue-Ranger and White-Ranger was the Brians/Intellectual of the team.
Color | Name |
T-Rex Ranger | TBA |
Triceratops Ranger | TBA |
Pteranodon Ranger | TBA |
Stegosaurus Ranger | TBA |
Velociraptor Ranger | TBA |
Plesiosaurus Ranger | TBA |
- Keeper-main mentor.- Chris’s father.
- Chris’s sister.
- Emily.
- Emily’s father.
- Red’s family.
- Blue’s family.
- Pink’s family.
- Orange, Purple’s relatives.
- Ernie: the shop keeper.
Legendary Allies.[]
- Dino-Rangers (Kyoryu Sentai Rangers, including Ryusoulgers cameo)
- Zyurangers/MMPR.
- Abarangers/DT.
- Kyoryuger/Dino Charge Brave.
- Brave Kyoryu Red
- Brave Kyoryu Black
- Brave Kyoryu Blue
- Brave Kyoryu Green
- Brave Kyoryu Pink
- Brave Kyoryu Gold
- Ryusoulger/Dino-Knights.
- Cenozoic Era Rangers (OC Team)
- Red Ranger (2017 movie)
- Black Ranger (2017 movie)
- Blue Ranger (2017 movie)
- Yellow Ranger (2017 movie)
- Pink Ranger (2017 movie)
- All-Rangers (All SS/PR).
- Triple-Rangers.
- Peplomax-Rangers (Go-Onger/RPM).
- Omega-Rangers.
- Kamen Rider
- Kamen Rider Warriors (Kamen Rider Senshi).
Same as allies however if you want to have them in an order like Ultimate Empire, then Empire Generals and then list your villains use something like this...
- Ultimate Empire
- Empire Generals
- Evil Man
- Empire Generals
Arsenal (Series Name)
- Dino-Headder. - Transformation Devices. All five.
- Dino-Cellular -sixth ranger.
- Dino-Cards. - Multi Use Devices.
- Dino-Blade/Gun. Side-Arms.
- Dino-Cannon (Insert power cards to activate the cannon). - Team-Blaster.
- Sword, Lance, Bow and Arrow, Stego - Spike Shield, Raptor daggers. White sword.
- Dino-Cycles.
Mecha (Series Name)
- Dino-Robo: Red, Blue and Pink.
- Dino Thunder Robo: Orange and Violet/Purple.
- Dino-Knight Robo: White.
- Dino-Robo Fusion Zord 1: Red, Blue,Pink,Orange, Purple.
- Dino-Robo Fusion Zord 2: Red, Blue,Pink,Orange, Purple, White.
- Dino Ultra-Zord: All.
(Full Series Name) Episodes
- The chosen Warriors.
- What do we fight for?
- There’s no ‘I” in team.
- Focus.
- The Blue courage.
- Pink-Power.
- What Leadership?
- Beauty and the Beach.
- Thunder-Strangers Parts 1, 2 and 3.
- The Strange Treasure Chest
- Framed (Camera Monster).
- Mirror, Mirror on the wall.
- The Orange and Purple brothers in arms.
- At Deaths Door.
- The Mysterious Sixth Warrior Parts 1,2 and 3.
- Relationships.
- Superstition Strikes
- Ancient History (Dino-Rangers)
- The Idol (Friend of the Pink Ranger).
- Fear It Self.
- Negative.
- Soulless.
- Power-Cards with Updates.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- TBA.
- Dino-Rangers: House of Cards Movie.
- Dino-Rangers: Dinosaur Generation.
- Dino-Rangers vs Evolution - Rangers.
- to be added
- I’m thinking this Team and Universe takes place between Ryusoulger and Kyoryuger or after them.
- I give them cards because Goseigers are the only main team to use cards, if counting Magi-Shine using a ticket. Also previous Dino Rangers using items to transform anything.
- Zyurangers/MMPR: Coins.
- Abarangers/DT: Gemstones.
- Kyoryuger/Dino Charge/Dino Force Brave: Batteries.
- Ryusoulger/Dino Fury: Keys.
- Another team without a Yellow Ranger.
- Even as fan fiction got both Orange and Violet, first Violet/Purple ranger was Kyoryu Violet.
See Also[]
- Dino Force Brave - Power Rangers counterpart in show. See comparison page.