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Diesel Megazord
Zords: Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Season: TQG
Hyper TQG
First Appearance:
Last Appearance:
Number of Episode Appearances:
Length: 7.9 m
Width: 32.3 m
Height: 48.4 m
Weight: 1450 t
Speed: 580 km/h
Power: 11,500,000

The Diesel Megazord is the secondary Megazord of the Train Quantum Guardians.


The Diesel Megazord is the combined form of three certain Support Trainzord. While the Diesel Megazord lacks any weapons, its raw power is more than enough to compensate. Its ranged move is the Diesel Impact, where it slams its right fist down to the ground, forming an explosive trail to rush at its opponent.

Its finishing move is the Diesel Spin-Kick, where the Diesel Megazord jumps into the air, then blasts through the enemy's feet first while spinning at high speeds.

Its combination finisher with the Train Quantum Guardian Megazord is where the Diesel Megazord first charges up energy into the right fist, then fires it at the target, with the Train Quantum Guardian Megazord coming in with a Train Slash to finish the monster off.



Diesel Trainzord[]

Ressha diesel
Diesel Trainzord
Number: 8
Pilot(s): Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 1 (main)
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 2
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 2 & Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 4
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 3
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 6
Length: 89.4 m
Width: 6.8 m
Height: 7.9 m
Weight: 960 tons
Speed: 650 km/h
Power: 8,300,000

The Diesel Trainzord is a maroon diesel locomotive-themed Support Trainzord. When in full form, the locomotive is attached to a train comprised of multiple units (turning it into a diesel multiple unit, or DMU) with a boxcar & a flatbed with cargo boxes at the end. The Diesel Trainzord forms the arms & main body of the Diesel Megazord. On its own, the Diesel Trainzord has missile silos in its engine component to fire at targets.

The Diesel Trainzord is also the oldest Trainzord on the Rainbow Line.


Tank Trainzord[]

Tank Trainzord
Number: 6
Pilots: Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 2 & Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 4 (main)
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 3, Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 4, & Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 5
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 1 & Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 4
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 4
Length: 28.4 m
Width: 5.3 m
Height: 6.0 m
Weight: 230 tons
Speed: 550 km/h
Power: 2,000,000

The Tank Trainzord is an auxiliary cyan armored fuel carrier train-themed Support Trainzord used by the Train Quantum Guardians. It is comprised of two tank cars, one of which has a cab. The Tank Trainzord can extend a hose to insert into another Trainzord to pump a special fuel to temporarily supercharge a Trainzord's performance. This Trainzord forms the left leg of the Diesel Megazord. It can also be loaded on the Train Sablaster; giving the effect of summoning a miniature version of the Trainzord, capable of exploding like a mini-bomb.

The Tank Trainzord was one of the Trainzords that was lost from the Rainbow Line during the Shadow Line's aggressive invasion, & was found in the mountains near a Station where Bucket Shadow had attempted to take over, & Russell had actually found the Tank Trainzord first but turned back to get food. Despite General Schwartz's tactics when he went to grab the Trainzord for himself & handily bested the Train Quantum Guardians on foot when they went back for the Tank Trainzord, the module of this Support Trainzord was found by Irv.


Car Carrier Trainzord[]

Car Carrier Trainzord
Number: 7
Pilots: Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 3 & Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 5 (main)
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 2
Train Quantum Guardian Ranger 4
Length: 28.7 m
Width: 5.6 m
Height: 7.1 m
Weight: 260 tons
Speed: 500 km/h
Power: 1,200,000

The Car Carrier Trainzord is an auxiliary amber zord used by the Train Quantum Guardians. It is comprised of two car-carrier freight cars, one of which has a cab.

It carries five Imagination-powered cars that fade once they have traveled too far from the Trainzord, which can be launched by an extendable ramp. It can also function as track so that the other Trainzords can cross certain areas. The Trainzord can also be loaded on the Train SaBlaster, creating small colored cars as bullets.

The Car Carrier Trainzord was handed out to the Train Quantum Guardians by Mr. Ticket to get through the darkness Bucketload made.



Super Train Guardian Megazord[]

250px-Cho ToQ-Oh
Super Train Guardian Megazord

Red Trainzord
Blue Trainzord
Yellow Trainzord
Green Trainzord
Pink Trainzord
Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord

Length: 21.3 m
Width: 36.7 m
Height: 63.2 m
Weight: 2950 tons
Speed: 700 km/h
Power: 25,600,000
Cho ToQ-Oh Profile

Combining the five Trainzords with the Car Carrier, Tank, & Diesel Trainzords forms the Super Train Guardian Megazord. It is able to fire multiple rounds from the Super Train Cannons from both arms & its finishing attack is the Super Train Guardian Full Blast which fires energy blasts shaped like the Trainzords that comprise it from multiple cannons all over its body.

Its finishing attack is where the Super Train Guardian Megazord fires energy manifestations of the Trainzords that comprise it at the opponent, all fired from several points on the Megazord's body (shoulder cannons, arms, leg attachments, Red Trainzord). 

According to the Conductor, the Super Train Guardian Megazord was not part of the original plans for the Trainzords. Therefore, prolonged use can put strain & damage the Trainzords. 

Diesel Megazord: Fire Link[]

Fire Diesel-Ohhhh
Diesel Megazord: Fire Link

Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Fire Trainzord

Length: 7.9 m
Width: 32.3 m
Height: 48.5 m
Weight: 1590 tons
Speed: 580 km/h
Power: 13,600,000

The Diesel Megazord: Fire Link's left arm holds the Extinguisher Arm, capable of putting out any fire no matter how big. Its right arm holds the Fire Ladder which is used in its finishing attack, the Fire Splash, which burns the enemy down.

Super Train Guardian Megazord: Police-Shield Link[]

050 police shield
Super Train Guardian Megazord: Police-Shield Link
Zords: Red Trainzord
Blue Trainzord
Yellow Trainzord
Green Trainzord
Pink Trainzord
Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Shield Trainzord
Police Trainzord
Length: 21.3 m
Width: 36.7 m
Height: 63.2 m

Diesel Megazord: Police-Fire Link[]

Diesel Megazord: Police-Fire Link

Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Police Trainzord
Fire Trainzord

Length: 7.9 m
Width: 32.3 m
Height: 48.5 m

The Diesel Megazord: Fire-Police Link is the formation where the Diesel Megazord is armed with the Police Trainzord on its left forearm, replacing the front of Diesel Trainzord & its right arm holds the Fire Ladder which is used in its finishing attack, the Fire Splash, which burns the enemy down.

Diesel Megazord: Police Link[]

Diesel-O Police
Diesel Megazord: Police Link
Zords: Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Police Trainzord
Length: 7.9 m
Width: 32.3 m
Height: 48.5 m

The Diesel Megazord: Police Link is the formation where the Diesel Megazord is armed with the Police Trainzord on its forearms, replacing the front of the Diesel Trainzord.

Super Train Guardian Megazord: Fire Link[]

Cho ToQ-Oh Fire
Super Train Guardian Megazord: Fire Link
Zords: Red Trainzord
Blue Trainzord
Yellow Trainzord
Green Trainzord
Pink Trainzord
Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Fire Trainzord
Length: 21.3 m
Width: 36.7 m
Height: 63.2 m
Weight: 3130 tons

The Super Train Guardian Megazord: Fire Link's left arm holds the Extinguisher Arm, capable of putting out any fire no matter how big. Its right arm holds the Fire Ladder which is used in its finishing attack, the Fire Splash, which burns the enemy down.

Super Train Guardian Megazord: Police-Fire Link[]

Cho ToQ-Oh Fire Police
Super Train Guardian Megazord: Police-Fire Link
Zords: Red Trainzord
Blue Trainzord
Yellow Trainzord
Green Trainzord
Pink Trainzord
Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Police Trainzord
Fire Trainzord
Length: 21.3 m
Width: 36.7 m
Height: 63.2 m

The Super Train Guardian Megazord: Police-Fire Link's right arm is replaced with the Police Trainzord`s gun & the left arm holds the Fire Trainzord`s extinguisher.

Super Train Guardian Megazord: Police Link[]

Cho ToQ-Oh Police
Super Train Guardian Megazord: Police Link
Zords: Red Trainzord
Blue Trainzord
Yellow Trainzord
Green Trainzord
Pink Trainzord
Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Police Trainzord
Length: 21.3 m
Width: 36.7 m
Height: 63.2 m
Weight: 3000 tons

Super Train Guardian Megazord: Fire-Police Link[]

Toq-oh police fire
Super Train Guardian Megazord: Fire-Police Link
Zords: Red Trainzord
Blue Trainzord
Yellow Trainzord
Green Trainzord
Pink Trainzord
Diesel Trainzord
Tank Trainzord
Car Carrier Trainzord
Police Trainzord
Fire Trainzord
Length: 21.3 m
Width: 36.7 m
Height: 63.2 m

The Super Train Guardian Megazord: Fire-Police Link's left arm is replaced with the Police Trainzord`s gun & the right arm is replaced with the Fire Trainzord`s hose.

Trainzord Modules[]

Ressha diesel

Diesel Trainzord Module

Diesel Trainzord Module - This Trainzord Module summons the Diesel Trainzord.


Tank Trainzord Module

Tank Trainzord Module - This Trainzord Module summons the Tank Trainzord.


Car Carrier Trainzord Module

Car Carrier Trainzord Module - This Trainzord Module summons the Car Carrier Trainzord.


  • The Diesel Megazord is very similar to the PaleoMax Megazord: both are maroon-hued, train-themed Secondary Megazords, are formed using three Zords (both with a maroon body & two legs, one being a cyan left leg), typically limited to close combat options due to their age & are mainly controlled by the Red of the season.
  • Inside the Diesel Trainzord's cockpit, there are seven lights referencing to the six Train Quantum Guardians & the Train Quantum Guardian Megazord. On the screen, it also references the Super Train Guardian Megazord.
  • The Diesel Megazord is perhaps the only Megazord in which the Train Quantum Guardians don't need to assume Link Mode, since the Train Quantum Guardians do not join together in one cockpit after the formation, unlike the Train Quantum Guardian Megazord.

See Also[]
