Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

David Simmons is the Red Oceanic Ranger from Power Rangers: Ocean Charge. He is the leader of the Oceanic Rangers. In the series, David is strong and hard-headed. He's a fierce leader, but he can be sometimes cool. His best hobby is skateboarding. He also have a developing relationship with Ali. David's parents are mentioned a lot in the series, but never actually appeared; only his younger brother, PJ, who appears in Brotherly Love.


  • He controls the Blazin' Blaster
  • Has a Wave Racer and Wave Flyer
  • Has the Pacific Shield that gives him the power of the Pacific Battlizer


He controls the Shark zord.

Pearl of Power[]

He is the chosen holder of the Pearl of Courage along with the other five pearls give him and the others the Trench Armor.


Power Rangers: Ocean Charge[]

All 42 episodes

Power Rangers: Ocean Charge - The Movie[]

Set a year after Ocean Charge series and before the upcoming events of the movie, David is seen continuing dating Ali while signing on a year-long pro skateboarding contract.

Power Rangers: Spy Ops[]

  • Loosing Earth, part 1
  • Loosing Earth, part 2