Power Rangers Fanon Wiki


Dashimen, 4000 years ago an alien electrokinetic colony landed on earth after their planet, Dashi, was destroyed by the Viper Vader's sludge. Over the next few thousands years, some secret civilizations, some people, others left. In the present day of 1981, four individuals are descendants of these aliens who stumbled into Dashiland. When they found out about their heritage, the Viper Vader arrived and destroyed earth next.


Designations Names
Dashi Red Ranger Jordan Matthews
Dashi Blue Ranger Mario Dario
Dashi Yellow Ranger Virginia Della
Dashi Green Ranger Khalil Freeman
Dashi Pink Ranger Dashi
Dashi Black Ranger Ash



Justice Vengers:[]

Designation Names
Red Shogun Ranger Kenji Okumoto
Blue Versailles Ranger Louis LefĆØvre
Pink Liberty Ranger Courtney Adams
Black Nubian Ranger Ahmir Chadwick
Orange Soviet Ranger Vanya Novikov
Brown Galaxy Ranger Cosmo


Tiger Sky Fortress Zord

Dashimen Cycle/Dashiland Megazord


The Viper Viders:[]

  • Queen Headora


  1. Dashiland
  2. Titanic Guardian
  3. Jungle Girl
  4. The Mechanic
  5. Clowning Around
  6. Young Explorer
  7. Storytime
  8. Strong Man
  9. Old Schooled
  10. Maternal
  11. Mythbuster
  12. Stunted
  13. Contact
  14. Mr. Khalil Freeman
  15. Faith
  16. Daredevil
  17. The Match Part 1
  18. The Match Part 2
  19. Loss Hope
  20. Renew Hope
  21. Darkheart
  22. Electro-King
  23. Pink-Black
  24. Hard Love
  25. Accommodating
  26. Beard
  27. Karma
  28. Carnival
  29. Forbidden Love
  30. Sister and Brother
  31. Father, Daughter, And Son
  32. Ranger Issue 34
  33. Ranger Issue 43
  34. Fall From Grace
  35. What Around Goes, Comes Around
  36. Brotherly Love
  37. Siblings Days Off
  38. Knight or Fairy?
  39. Beautiful Girl
  40. Tutoring
  41. Forced Bonding
  42. Memorial
  43. Rockstar
  44. Sensory Overload
  45. Needless Sacrifices
  46. Heart-Shaped Bloom
  47. Toxic Gas
  48. Shooting Stars
  49. Attacking Dashiland
  50. Preservation