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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Darkzord is the Dark Legendary Ranger's personal Megazord in Power Rangers Legendary. The Darkzord was built by Negasin for Erik in response to the arrival of the Gold Legendary Ranger and to counter the Legendary Megazord. Eventually it was made into Professor N-Gin's megazord before being destroyed for good.

The Megazord possesses superior speed, can teleport at will, and wields the Dark Sword, the Dark Shield, and the Dark Blades on each leg. These last weapons can be used to finish an opponent by detaching from the legs and being thrown at the enemy, exploding and taking the target with them upon reaching a sufficiently close range. After it was destroyed in a battle against Orion, the Darkzord would be rebuilt by Negasin as the Darkzord 2.0. As the Darkzord 2.0, the Megazord can easily dominate the Z-Rex Megazord from noon until night. It can perform the Dark Lazer Blitz with the Dark Blades, where it fires five purple lasers from them, its trapezoidal ports, and the middle spot on its crown. With the Dark Sword, it can perform the Legendary Dark Strike finisher, where it slowly spins the sword in a clockwise motion, then delivers a devastating downward diagonal sword slash. After the destruction of the 2.0 model, another version was made for Robo-Erik, called the Darkzord V3. This version had combined powers from the previous 2 versions. The final version was called the Darkzord Mach IV. It was created from the V3 model, upgraded by Professor N-Gin, and was its most powerful form, complete with N-Gin's colors, and a large version of his staff.
