Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Dark Rex Machine Beast
Train Amethyst Machine
Pilot: Lumynox
Season: Gem Machines
First Appearance:
Number of Episode Appearances: TBA (Gem Machines)
Length: (Dark Rex Machine Beast): 59.0 m
(Train Amethyst Machine): 131.7 m
(Gem Stone): 35.7 m
Width: (Dark Rex Machine Beast): 23.7 m
(Train Amethyst Machine): 11.2 m
(Gem Stone): 20.0 m
Height: (Dark Rex Machine Beast): 50.7 m
(Train Amethyst Machine): 14.0 m
(GemStone): 22.7 m
Weight: 2600 tons
Speed: (Dark Rex Machine Beast): 400 km/h
(Train Amethyst Machine): 450 km/h
Power: 13,000,000

The Dark Rex Machine Beast is the dinosaur mode of the Train Amethyst Machine, originally the Black Gem Stone & an evil Gem Machine used by the Shadow Empire, which originally served as the Royal Train of the Crystal Kingdom before being commandeered by the traitor Lumynox, who possibly used his dark imagination to upgrade it with its dinosaur mode. Forms the limbs of the Train Gem Megazord.

Character History[]


Powers & Abilities[]

  • Strength: As the Royal Train of the Crystal Kingdom, the Dark Rex Machine Beast's strength is high in combat, making it one of the strongest machines of the kingdom as seen when it easily overwhelmed the Gem Machine & Drill Diamond Megazords. The Dark Rex Machine Beast also proved itself to have enough strength to rival the Phoenix Gem Megazord.
  • Laser Vision: In its train form, the Train Amethyst Machine can fire purple laser beams from its red eyes.
  • Rift Creation: In its train form, the Train Amethyst Machine can create a black & dark orange portal to travel from Earth to the Realm of Shadows & vice versa.
  • Transformation: The Train Amethyst Machine can transform between its train form &dinosaur form.
  • Durability: The Dark Rex Machine Beast was able to survive the Mega Gem Arrow, the strongest attack the Gem Rangers have ever employed.


  • Jaws: The Dark Rex Machine Beast has powerful jaws.
    • Burn Blacker: The Dark Rex Machine Beast can generate purple flame beams from its jaws that can damage even the Gem Machines, causing them to crack.
    • Steam Breath: The Dark Rex Machine Beast can also generate white hot steam from its jaws to scald its opponents.
  • Chainsaw: It has a chainsaw blade at the end of its tail.
    • Energy Empowerment: The Dark Rex Machine Beast can slash at its opponents with purple energy gathered at the chainsaw on its tail.


  • Its roar resembles a train whistle.
  • The Dark Rex Machine Beast is the second Gem Machine after the Fire Ruby Machine to have three different forms, & once of which is a creature form.
  • The Train Amethyst Machine is the first onscreen Gem Machine to not have its alternate forms (with the exception of the Train Gem Megazord) given by Josh.

See Also[]
