[[Category: Cybersaurs]]

The Cyber VelociZord's Cybersaur Cell coming to it
Cybersaur #4 Cyber VelociZord: the Velociraptor Cybersaur who became the Green Cybersaur Ranger's partner.
A Cybersaur, the Cyber VelociZord was a Velociraptor that agreed to be modified to battle the Emoticons in ancient times. Prior to the forming of the Cybersaur Rangers, it had challenged & been beaten by Vernon Richards & had become his partner.
Vernon once believed that he had just been using the Cyber VelociZord to get back at his father, somehow. However, Trisha Adams believes that the Cyber VelociZord knew better than that, & had chosen him for more noble reasons.
The Cyber VelociZord replaces the Cyber TriceraZord for the left arm in the Cybersaur Megazord's formations. This Cybersaur normally resides in a bamboo thicket until summoned.
When assuming Battle Mode, the Cyber VelociZord's tail splits to form three blades. When combined with a megazord, the Cyber VelociZord's tail is then called the Veloci Sword.
Cyber VelociZord-centered Formations[]
- Western Cybersaur Megazord
- Cyber TyrannoZord
- Cyber ParaZord
- Cyber VelociZord
- Cybersaur Megazord with Veloci Power
- Cyber TyrannoZord
- Cyber StegoZord
- Cyber VelociZord
- Western Ptera Megazord
- Cyber PteraZord
- Cyber ParaZord
- Cyber VelociZord
- Plesio Megazord with Veloci Power
- Cyber PlesioZord
- Cyber VelociZord