Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Cube Cell Morpher
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Beast Guardians
Used by: Beast Guardian Rangers
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Flashpoint Morpher
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Cube Cell Morpher (Closed)

"Beast Guardian Power!"
―Morph call

The Cube Cell Morpher is the Rubik's Cube-based morphing & summoning device of the Beast Guardian Rangers. By twisting the upper section, the Beast Guardian Rangers are able to complete images on the Morpher's faces, allowing them to perform different functions. Each function, when the Cube Cell Morpher is opened, is shown in the top of the "screen" above the eagle's wings. The normal, unmatched form shows a green telephone receiver which enables the CubeZords to be used as a means of communication.

Guardian Cubes[]

King's Credential

The Guardian Cube

The Guardian Cube is the original form of the Cube Cell Morpher. A set of six cubes that possess a mysterious power which protects the Animen, they originally maintained the link between Animalia & the human world via the Link Cube gateway until one of them was stolen by Awk, who later gave it to the human child Brent to safeguard him.

Button Layout[]

  • Yellow Button: Summons the CubeZords
  • Red Button: Initiates Morphing Sequence of the Beast Guardian Rangers
  • Blue Button: Initiates Combination of the CubeZords
  1. Eagle
  2. Shark
  3. Lion
  4. Elephant
  5. Tiger
  6. Gorilla
  7. Crocodile
  8. Wolf
  9. Rhino

Morphing Sequence[]

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Morph Side

"(Animal) Spirit, Awaken!"
―Morphing Sequence Stand by announcement

To morph, the Beast Guardian Rangers press the red button & their corresponding numeric button, shout "Beast Guardian Power!", rotate the Morpher's top section to match its red face forming the team's emblem, & then open it to morph.


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Summoning Side

To first summon the CubeZords from the Cube Cell Morphers, the Beast Guardiasn Rangers press the yellow button, the number of their respective cube, & then rotate the Morpher's top section to match its yellow face, forming the image of a cube. Afterwards, the Morphers' summoning mode is used to control the CubeZords by inserting them into their consoles.


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Combination Side

To combine their CubeZords, one of the Beast Guardian Rangers presses the blue button, press any proper combination of numbers & rotate the Morpher's top section to match its blue face, forming a robot head. The Morpher shouts the numbers of each cube from bottom to top before shouting the name of the megazord.

Finishing Strike[]

When in the megazord, the Beast Guardian Rangers rotate their cubes to the team emblem & place them into the panels which results in a final blow to the opponent. This is the same side used to morph.


See Also[]
