The Croco SkyGalleon is the Zord of Super Seas Gold in Power Rangers Project G.E.A.R..

Croco SkyGalleon lights in space

Croco SkyGalleon inside
A large golden starship with half of the fuselage and much of the wings silver, the Croco SkyGalleon serves as the base and home of the Super Seas Crew. Capable of housing crew members indefinitely if needed, the primary method of boarding and exiting is via a hatch on the bottom of the vessel, and by then occupants and visitors have to hang onto a rope to get through it safely. The ship also appears to have a natural source of oxygen, as Shiro was able to breathe inside it normally even while the craft was in the stratosphere of planet Earth, which naturally has less breathable oxygen levels.
Aside from a giant starship mode, the Croco SkyGalleon is capable of splitting into the CrocoCycle, a large combat motorcycle, and the CrocoCraft, a large hovercraft that both Zoah and Jack can mount respectively after enlarging themselves. The two vehicles are so fast that they can circle the entire Earth in a few seconds. They can also combine into a battle platform that both of the Super Seas brothers can operate, though this has only been seen in the toyline so far.
Both of the Croco SkyGalleon's components can combine into the Super Seas Megazord, a large robot piloted by Super Seas Gold. It has two separate forms with their own weapons, depending on which of the Twokai twins forms the head. Both the ship itself and the Megazord are controlled by Super Seas Gold's Super Seas Captainizer, using the device's steering wheel-like handle as an actual steering wheel. Unlike the G.E.A.R's, this system allows the pirates to only use one Megazord at a time, whereas the G.E.A.R's G.E.M.Z. system grants the team two to use simultaneously. To switch forms, the Super Seas Megazord spins its upper body as the components exchange places.
The Croco SkyGalleon is what the Super Seas Crew use to travel to parallel universes. An interdimensional gate is created when the Croco SkyGalleon fires a blue pillar of energy from its jaws, through which the Battleship can fly through.
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The CrocoCraft is a large hovercraft piloted by Jack when enlarged. The craft is capable of high speed flight and can fire the Croco Beam lasers from the crocodile jaws. Forms the fuselage of the Croco SkyGalleon and the upper torso, one arm, and one shoulder of the Super Seas Megazord.
The CrocoCycle is a large motorcycle driven by Zoah when enlarged. The vehicle can achieve high speeds and can fire the Croco Vulcan energy shots from the Zeo Gatling. Forms the wings of the Croco SkyGalleon and the hips & legs of the Super Seas Megazord.
Super Seas Megazord[]
Super Seas Katanazord[]
The Super Seas Katanazord is the melee combat form of the Super Seas Megazord. In this form, the nosecone of the CrocoCraft forms the right shoulderpad of the Megazord's right arm, while the left arm features the Zeo Minizord as a part of the forearm, ending with the Samurai Slasher as a large bladed hand. The Croco SkyGalleon's wings form the legs, and Jack himself forms the combination's head.
In this form, the Super Seas Megazord's reflexes are at their peak levels, allowing the Megazord to perform rapid slashes with the Samurai Slasher. The blade is very durable, and can also be used to block incoming attacks.
Its finisher is the Super Seas Fire Smash, where the Super Seas Katanazord charges up the Samurai Slasher with fire, forming an energy manifestation of the Fire Smasher. The Megazord then deals several flaming slashes that forms the Shiba Clan emblem followed by a larger flame slash, destroying the Megabot in the process.
Super Seas Gatlingzord[]
The Super Seas Gatlingzord is the ranged combat form of the Super Seas Megazord. In this form, the nosecone of the CrocoCraft forms the entire left arm, while the right arm features the Samurai Minizord as a part of the forearm, ending with the Zeo Gatling as a large blaster hand. The Croco SkyGalleon's wings form the legs, and Zoah himself forms the combination's head.
Much like the Super Seas Katanazord, this formation features enhanced reflexes, with the Zeo Gatling doubling as a battering ram and a large ranged weapon. As with Super Seas Gold's Zeo Form, the Super Seas Gatlingzord specializes in hand-to-hand combat, both arms being used to smash the enemy.
This combination features four finishers:
- The first is the Super Seas Power Barrage, where the Super Seas Gatlingzord charges the Zeo Gatling and generates avatars of a phoenix, sphinx, bull, Dogu statue, and Moai statue. The robo then fires repeated energy shots at the Megabot before a giant pyramid avatar delivers the crushing blow.
- The second is the Super Seas Power Crush, where the Super Seas Gatlingzord charges and opens the jaws of CrocoDaiOhās nosecone to generate a vacuum that engulfs the Megabot into the gaping maw, followed by the enemy exploding before the jaws close.
- The third is the Super Seas Power Strike, where the Super Seas Gatlingzord delivers a series of flying kicks that destroys the Megabot.
- The fourth is the Super Seas Power Blast, where the Super Seas Gatlingzord charges the Zeo Gatling and generates a five-side energy pyramid that opens into a star. The Megazord then fires a blue energy beam through the gaping center that destroys the Megabot.
Behind the Scenes[]
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- The Super Seas Katanazordās chest has the kanji for fire, and the symbol of the Red Samurai Ranger & the Shiba clan. The right shoulder claw is reminiscent of the Claw Battlezord.
- The Super Seas Gatlingzordās chest has the symbols of the core Zeo Rangers, while the prominent star themes and the Zeo Gatling hand are reminiscent of the Red Battlezord.
- The finishers have many references to the season the Super Seas Megazord is based on:
- The finisher for the Super Seas Katanazord, Super Seas Fire Smash, manifests an image of the Fire Smasher, and forms the Shiba clan symbol before slashing the enemy.
- The main finisher for the Super Seas Gatlingzord, Super Seas Power Barrage, fires avatars of the Zeo Ranger's symbols, and ends with the avatar of Pyramidas smashing on top of the enemy.
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- The Super Seas Megazord's design includes various attributes similar to the X Kaiser Megazord, such as the golden sliver tricolor template and two alternate formations.
- The Croco SkyGalleon is the only zord in Project G.E.A.R. not to have its design be based on a past team's zords.