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Icon-lupinrangervspatranger This article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Victory Siren.

Crane Siren Runner & Drill Siren Runner is a yellow & white Siren Runner combo consisting of the Crane Siren Runner & Drill Siren Runner.


This is a pair of Siren Runners that are in a set. Initially, only Drill was found, and Crane had to be located by tunneling underground.

This set of Siren Runners can combine their abilities and perform their own finisher, where the Crane Siren Runner pins the opponent against a surface and extends a ramp, allowing the Drill Siren Runner to race to the end of its boom and destroy the Caporegime by boring through it.

In a Siren Boost, Crane replaces the right arm of the user with Drill docked inside, giving the user the abilities of the Strong Patrol Megazord. Drill can also be detached into Attack Mode, and can also hang onto the hook of Crane for the Crane Drill Break whip attack, where the cable is whipped around wildly while Drill acts as a flail weight, smashing into the Caporegimes. This attack is strong enough to obliterate a platoon of Riddllets.

Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes TBA


to be added

Siren Runners[]

Crane Siren Runner[]

"Powerful Lift!"
ā€•summoning announcement via VS Burst Morpher[src]

The Crane Siren Runner is a yellow & white Siren Runner based on a crane. In Attack Mode, it ejects the Drill Siren Runner (see below) and extends its boom to strike foes. It forms the right arm of the Strong Patrol Megazord. Interestingly, Crane does not have an elbow joint for arm formations, but its retool, the Fire Siren Runner, does (so far, the joint is only seen bending vertically).

Drill Siren Runner[]

"Unstoppable Drill!"
ā€•summoning announcement via VS Burst Morpher[src]

The Drill Siren Runner is a yellow & white Siren Runner based on a drill tank. In Attack Mode, it ejects from the Crane Siren Runner and extends its drill bit to attack. It forms the "baton" of the Strong Patrol Megazord. It also gets stored in Crane when not in use.

Strong Patrol Megazord[]

"Strong Patrol Megazord! Ready!"
ā€•announcement after completing transformation[src]

The Strong Patrol Megazord is the combination of the Red Siren Runner, Green Siren Runner, Crane Siren Runner, Drill Siren Runner, and Versus Striker.

In this form, the Patrol Megazord can smash opponents with the robust Crane body, even shield it from attacks. It can drag & throw foes by hooking them onto the telescoping boom, rapidly attacking with it by quickly extending then retracting. The Drill Siren Runner is used like a sword or thrusting weapon, activating its drill by the Siren Drill Spin.

The finishing move is called the Siren Patrol Strong Strike, where the Patrol Megazord grabs and drags the enemy into the air with the crane hook and impales the downward swinging monster using the Drill Siren Runner, destroying it.

Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes TBA

Additional Formations[]

VS Patrol Megazord Strong Bike[]

Main article: Bike Siren Runner
"VS Patrol Megazord Strong Bike! Ready!"
ā€•announcement after completing transformation[src]

VS Patrol Megazord Strong Bike is the combination between the VS Patrol Megazord, Bike Siren Runner and the Crane and Drill Siren Runners as a combination.

Once, it used David's aerobics as a focal point in its attack, extending and retracting both arms with Drill continuously going forward then back.

It's finisher is called the Strong Biker Siren Smash, where the Crane Siren Runner lifts up the enemy and the Bike Siren Runner uses its front wheel to attack the enemy, destroying it.

Its other finisher is the Strong Biker Siren Strike, where the Crane Siren Runner pins the enemy and the Bike Siren Runner races along the boom to destroy the foe by boring through it.

Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes TBD

Siren Phantom Strike Megazord Strong Formation[]

Siren Phantom Strike Megazord Strong Formation is an illusion of the Siren Phantom Strike Megazord to use against TBA.

This form is exclusive to Victory Siren episode TBD

Siren Patrol Strike Megazord[]

Main article: Siren Patrol Striker
"Siren Patrol Strike Megazord! Ready!"
ā€•announcement after completing transformation[src]

Siren Patrol Strike Megazord is the combination between Siren Patrol Striker, Bike Siren Runner, Crane Siren Runner, Drill Siren Runner, and Versus Striker. This combination is extremely powerful, being much stronger than the Siren Phantom Strike Megazord or VS Patrol Megazord Strong Bike.

Its finisher is the Siren Patrol Blast Strike, where Siren Patrol Striker charges up with energy and fires at the enemy alongside the Bike Siren Runner's wheel and the Crane Siren Runner's crane arm, destroying the enemy. It's other finisher is the Siren Patrol X Blast, the Siren Patrol Blast Strike done together with Xpress Rail Megazord Blast's Siren X Blast.

Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes TBD


  • Both the Crane & Drill Siren Runners are the first VS Machines to end up in the hands of Caporegimes before they were used by either team.
  • According to Versus Striker, both of these VS Machines were not Siren Runners prior to being lost, meaning that Eli found and upgraded them before they were stolen by the TBA Brothers.
  • The Crane & Drill Siren Runners are the only Auxillary Siren Runners that were not used by a Victory Phantom Ranger.


See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Victory Siren Icon-lupinrangervspatranger
Victory Phantom Rangers
Logan Ward - Reese Austin - Brooke Stevens - Eli Anderson
Siren Patrol Rangers
Harry Cole - David Harris - Tori Butler - Eli Anderson
VS Burst Morpher - Xpress Morpher - VS Machines - Phantom Blade - Siren Megaton - X Baton Saber - Victory Magnum
to be added
Zords and Megazords
Victory Flyers
Red Victory Flyer - Blue Dial Fighter - Yellow Dial Fighter
Cyclone Dial Fighter - Scissor Victory Flyer & Blade Victory Flyer - Mystic Victory Flyer
Siren Runners
Red Siren Runner - Green Siren Runner - Pink Siren Runner
Bike Siren Runner - Crane Siren Runner and Drill Siren Runner - Fire Siren Runner
Versus Striker - Siren Patrol Striker - Victory Phantom Striker
Xpress Rails
Silver Xpress Rail - Gold Xpress Rail - Fire Xpress Rail - Thunder Xpress Rail
VS Phantom Megazord - VS Patrol Megazord - Xpress Rail Megazord - TBA
Victory Siren X Ultrazord
Icon gangler logo Saurizan Mafia
Leader: Don Tyredge
Other Major Members: Diphonade - Ovine - Clionice
Leondis Family: Leondis - Kiteryx - Taurion
Caporegimes: to be added



Footsoldiers: Riddllets (Modified Riddllets) - Carbagtors
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