Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
KSP-Trigger Machines Crane and Drill
Crane & Drill TriggerZords
Number: 5
Season: Shadow Justice
First Appearance:
Length: 29.8 m
Width: 9.4 m
Height: 11.7 m
Weight: 500 tons
Speed: 400
Power: 2,500,000

The Crane & Drill TriggerZords are a yellow & white TriggerZord combo consisting of the Trigger CraneZord & Trigger DrillZord.  


This is a pair of TriggerZords that are in a set. Initially, only the Drill was found, & the Crane had to be located by tunneling underground.

This set of TriggerZords can combine their abilities & perform their own finisher, where the Trigger CraneZord pins the opponent against a surface & extends a ramp, allowing the Trigger DrillZord to race to the end of its boom & destroy the Goonlock Monster by boring through it.


Sometime in the past, these VS Zords ended up in the hands of Goonlock brothers Guannono & Bailpaca, the latter swearing revenge when his older brother was crushed by the Justice Strike Megazord. 


Trigger CraneZord[]

Trigger CraneZord
Length: 29.8 m
Width: 9.4 m
Height: 11.7 m
Weight: 400 tons
Speed: 450
Power: 2,000,000

The Trigger CraneZord is a yellow & white TriggerZord based on a crane. In Attack Mode, it ejects the Trigger DrillZord (see below) & extends its boon to strike foes. 

Trigger DrillZord[]

KSP-Trigger Machine Drill
Trigger DrillZord
Length: 12.9 m
Height: 8.0 m
Weight: 100 tons
Speed: 500
Power: 500,000

The Trigger DrillZord is a yellow & white TriggerZord based on a drill tank. In Attack Mode it ejects from the Trigger CraneZord & extends its drill bit to attack. 


KSP-PatKaiser Strong
Zords: TriggerZord 1
TriggerZord 2
Trigger CraneZord
Trigger DrillZord
Length: 27.5 m
Width: 37.0 m
Height: 48.0 m
Weight: 2,200 t
Speed: 400 km/h
Power: 11,000,000

Additional Formations[]


KSP-PatKaiser Strong Biker
Zords: TriggerZord 1
Trigger BikeZord
Trigger CraneZord
Trigger DrillZord
Length: 27.5 m
Height: 48.0 m
Weight: 2,300 t
Main article: Trigger BikeZord


  • The use of a crane & drill combination is similar to the DriveMax Megazord's Drill & Crane Formation (albeit reversed in arm placement).
  • Both the Crane & Drill TriggerZords are the first VS Zords to end up in the hands of a (pair of) Goonlock Monster(s) before they were used by either team.
  • According to the StrikerZord, both of these VS Zords were not TriggerZords prior to being lost, meaning that Ezra found & upgraded them before they were stolen by the Smash Brothers.
  • Its FighterZords counterparts are the Scissor & Blade FighterZords, seeing they are both two-in-one VS Zords.
    • Their first appearance also reminisces each other, as they both destroyed a Goonlock without having to join the Main Megazord.
    • Both VS Zord sets can summon miniature versions of themselves for weaponry granted to the user.

See Also[]
