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Cosmic Lion Megazord[]

The Cosmic Lion Megazord is the secondary Megazord formation of the Power Rangers Cosmic Champions.

The Lion Voyager forms the central core of the Megazord with four other Cosmic Voyagers forming the arms and legs of the Megazord. On one occasion, the Eagle Voyager attached itself to the back of the Megazord to allow it to fly.

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/6/7/8/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/6/7/8/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Eagle Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and the Cobra Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final Blast, where the blades of the Eagle and Swordfish Voyagers gather energy from the Cosmic Globes and the Eagle Voyager swings a large ball of energy, then the Swordfish Voyager pierces it, releasing a piercing energy spear at the opponent. An alternate version can be done where the blades of the Eagle Voyager uses a slash attack and the Swordfish Voyager launches the slash at the opponent.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episodes 10 / 15

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/2/7/8/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/2/7/8/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Eagle Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and the Scorpion Voyager as the left leg.

The finisher for this combination is the Cosmic Dragon Blast, performed in conjunction with the Dragon Voyager where the Cosmic Lion Megazord fires its energy arrow alongside the Dragon Voyager's fire ball.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 16

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/5/8/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/5/8/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Eagle Voyager as the left arm, the Bull Voyager as the right leg and the Wolf Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final Blast where the blade of the Swordfish Voyager manifests an energy arrow while the Eagle Voyager's wings serve as a bow to shoot it at the opponent.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 17

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/6/7/8/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/6/7/8/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Cobra Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg, the Wolf Voyager as the left leg, and the Eagle Voyager as the wings.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 19

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/4/6/8/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/4/6/8/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Eagle Voyager as the left arm, the Scales Voyager as the right leg, the Cobra Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final Blast where the Cosmic Lion Megazord jumps into the sky and launches the Cobra Voyager's head and the Scales Voyager's disks to simultaneously attack the opponent.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 19

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/2/3/7/8[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/2/3/7/8: This combination features the Scorpion Voyager as the right arm, the Eagle Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and the Wolf Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final Blast where the Cosmic Lion Megazord generates a swirling energy blade from the Eagle Voyager which is then propelled towards the opponent by the Scorpion Voyager's beam cannon.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 20

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/4/6/7/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/4/6/8/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, the Cobra Voyager as the right leg and the Scales Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final Blast where the Cosmic Lion Megazord delivers a powerful blast attack from the Chameleon Voyager and Swordfish Voyager.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 21

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/2/4/6/7[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/4/5/6: This combination features the Scorpion Voyager as the right arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, the Cobra Voyager as the right leg and the Scales Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher uses the Scales and Cobra Voyager seperated from the Megazord to fire the Cosmic Double Strike double beam attack.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 23

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/4/5/6[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/4/5/6: This combination features the Cobra Voyager as the right arm, the Scales Voyager as the left arm, the Bull Voyager as the right leg and the Wolf Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Libra Strike where it performs a yo-yo attack with the Scales Voyager's disk.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 24

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/5/7/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/5/7/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, the Bull Voyager as the right leg and the Wolf Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final blast where it gathers energy from the five Cosmic Globes and slashes with Swordfish Voyager's blade.

This Megazord formation can combine with the Cosmic Dragon Megazord to form the Cosmic Dragon Ultrazord.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episodes 28 / 30 / 35

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/4/7/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/4/7/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Scales Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and the Wolf Voyager as the left leg.

In this combination, the Cosmic Lion Megazord can enhance its power with the power of the Pegasi Cosmic Globe.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Pegasus Blast where the Cosmic Lion Megazord manifests a pair of energy wings which it uses in a spinning slash to finish off the opponent.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 32

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/6/7/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/4/5/7/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, the Cobra Voyager as the right leg and the Wolf Voyager as the left leg.

The second combination of this Megazord features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Cobra Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and the Wolf Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final Blast where the Cosmic Lion Megazord gathers energy into the blade of the Swordfish Voyager and delivers three slashes accompanied by a barrage of flaming meteors.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episodes 38

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/7/8/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/3/7/8/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Bear Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and the Scorpion Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final Blast: where the blades of the Eagle Voyager and Swordfish Voyager gather energy from the Cosmic Globes and the Eagle Voyager swings a large ball of energy, then the Swordfish Voyager launches it at the opponent.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 38

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/2/7/9/11[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/2/7/9/11: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Bear Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and the Scorpion Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Superstar Blast: The Cosmic Lion Megazord delivers a powerful blast attack alongside the Cosmic Dragon Megazord, the Cosmic Phoenix Megazord, the Scales Voyager and Eagle Voyager.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 43

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/4/5/7/9[]

Cosmic Lion Megazord 1/4/5/7/9: This combination features the Swordfish Voyager as the right arm, the Bull Voyager as the left arm, the Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and the Scales Voyager as the left leg.

Its finisher is the Cosmic Final Blast where the Cosmic Lion Megazord delivers a powerful blast attack alongside the Cosmic Dragon Megazord and the Cosmic Phoenix Megazord.

Appearances: Cosmic Champions Episode 44

