The Cosmic Globes are cosmic spheres that hold the unlimited power of the Constellations. They can be used in conjunction with the Cosmic Morphers to morph into the Cosmic Rangers or the Quasar Sabers to morph into Zodiac Rangers.
The Cosmic Globes become the cockpits of the Cosmic Voyagers.
The Cosmic Globes are either able to morph individuals into Power Rangers or grant special abilities to its users.
List of known Cosmic Globes[]
Number | Image | Name | Constellation | Uses | Appearances |
01 | Leo Cosmic Globe | Leo | Used for Red Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Lion Voyager. | Episodes 5 - 17 / 19 - 24 / 28 - 35 / 38 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
02 | Scorpius Cosmic Globe | Scorpius | Used for Orange Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Scorpion Voyager. | Episodes 2 - 24 / 28 / 30 - 35 / 38 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
03 | Lupus Cosmic Globe | Lupus | Used for Navy Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Wolf Voyager. | Episodes 16 - 18 / 20 - 24 / 28 - 32 / 34 / 35 / 38 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
04 | Libra Cosmic Globe | Libra | Used for Gold Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Scales Voyager. | Episodes 17 / 18 / 20 - 24 / 34 - 37 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
05 | Taurus Cosmic Globe | Taurus | Used for Black Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Bull Voyager. | Episodes 2 - 12 / 16 - 18 / 20 - 24 / 28 - 32 / 34 / 35 / 38 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
06 | Serpens Cosmic Globe | Serpens | Used for Silver Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Cobra Voyager. | Episodes 2 - 17 / 19 - 24 / 28 - 37 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
07 | Chamaeleon Cosmic Globe | Chamaeleon | Used for Green Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Chameleon Voyager. | Episodes 9 - 18 / 20 - 24 / 28 - 37 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
08 | Aquila Cosmic Globe | Aquila | Used for Pink Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Eagle Voyager. | Episodes 2 - 14 / 19 - 24 / 28 - 35 / 38 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
09 | Dorado Cosmic Globe | Dorado | Used for Yellow Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Swordfish Voyager. | Episodes 2 - 14 / 19 - 24 / 28 - 35 / 38 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
10 | Draco Cosmic Globe | Draco | Used for Purple Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Dragon Voyager. | Episodes 9 - 18 / 20 - 24 / 28 / 30 - 37 / 39 / 40 / 43 - 45 | |
11 | Ursa Minor Cosmic Globe | Ursa Minor | Used for Blue Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Bear Voyager | Episodes 25 / 27 / 30 - 32 / 34 / 35 / 38 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
12 | Phoenicis Cosmic Globe | Phoenix | Used for Solar Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Phoenix Voyager. | Episodes 25 / 26 / 34 / 36 / 37 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
13 | Orion Cosmic Globe | Orion | Used for White Cosmic Ranger transformation and summoning the Orion Voyager. | Episodes 37 / 39 / 43 - 45 | |
14 | Horologium Cosmic Globe | Horologium | Allows the user to create time portals | Episodes 22 / 32 | |
15 | Lynx Cosmic Globe | Lynx | Generates a pair of claws for the user to attack its enemies with. | Episodes 3 / 20 | |
16 | Ophiuchus Cosmic Globe | Ophiuchus | Allows the user to control snakes and other reptiles. | Episode 8 / 20 | |
17 | Antlia Cosmic Globe | Antlia | Allows the user to move extra quickly. | Episodes 4 / 24 | |
18 | Hercules Cosmic Globe | Hercules | Enhances the user's physical strength. | Episodes 3 / 12 / 20 / 34 | |
19 | Pyxis Cosmic Globe | Pyxis | Allows the user to travel through space via wormholes. | Episode 25 | |
20 | Telescopium Cosmic Globe | Telescopium | Allows the user to zoom into targets from a distance. | Episodes 9 / 18 | |
21 | Cancri Cosmic Globe | Cancer | Allows the user to cut through objects. | Episodes 11 / 20 | |
22 | Ursus Major Cosmic Globe | Ursa Major | Allows for the user to grow giant, can only be used in conjunction with the Ursus Minor Cosmic Globe. | Episodes 27 / 31 | |
23 | Pisces Cosmic Globe | Pisces | Allows the user to breathe underwater. | Episode 14 | |
24 | Scutum Cosmic Globe | Scutum | Allows the user to generate a shield, can be used in conjunction with the Reticulum Cosmic Globe. | Episodes 6 / 30 | |
25 | Gemini Cosmic Globe | Gemini | Allows the user to replicate the energy of a Cosmic Globe. | Episodes 7 / 15 - 17 / 19 / 36 - 39 / 43 | |
26 | Aries Cosmic Globe | Aries | Allows for the user to perform a charging attack. | Episodes 3 / 20 | |
27 | Monoceros Cosmic Globe | Monoceros | Creates a drill around the user's arm. | Episodes 3 / 20 | |
28 | Aquarius Cosmic Globe | Aquarius | Allows the user to generate a stream of water. | Episodes 4 / 15 / 20 / 24 / 31 | |
29 | Sextant Cosmic Globe | Sextant | Allows for the user to detect nearby cosmic globes. | Episodes 1 / 4 / 5 / 7 - 9 / 13 / 15 / 16 / 18 / 21 / 31 | |
30 | Ara Cosmic Globe | Ara | Allows the user to generate a fiery explosion. | Episodes 4 / 18 / 20 | |
31 | Microscopium Cosmic Globe | Microscopium | Allows the user to shrink targets or objects to microscopic levels. | Episode 23 / 28 / 30 | |
32 | Vulpecula Cosmic Globe | Vulpecula | Allows the user to see in the dark. | Episode 15 | |
33 | Pegasi Cosmic Globe | Pegasus | Allows the user or megazord to use the Pegasus Armour. | Episodes 32 / 39 | |
34 | Reticulum Cosmic Globe | Reticulum | Allows the user to trap a target in a net, can be used in conjunction with the Scutum Cosmic Globe. | Episodes 30 / 31 | |
35 | Sagittarius Cosmic Globe | Sagittarius | Allows the user to precisely fire a shot. | Episodes 12 / 20 | |
36 | Norma Cosmic Globe | Norma | Allows the user to enlarge targets or objects to a giant level. | Episodes 5 / 10 / 13 / 18 / 19 / 21 / 22 / 24 / 28 / 30 / 34 - 37 / 39 / 41 - 44 | |
37 | Sculptor Cosmic Globe | Sculptor | Allows the user to alter the psychology of a target. | Episodes 2 / 10 / 38 | |
38 | Lepus Cosmic Globe | Lepus | Allows the user to jump and leap great distances. | Episodes 3 / 10 / 20 / 29 | |
39 | Lacerta Cosmic Globe | Lacerta | Allows the user to stick to walls. | Episode 32 | |
40 | Octant Cosmic Globe | Octant | Allows the user to identify reality from illusions. | Episode 23 | |
41 | Pictor Cosmic Globe | Pictor | Allows the user to disguise themselves. | Episodes 3 / 17 / 35 | |
42 | Cygnus Cosmic Globe | Cygnus | Allows for the user to fly. | Episodes 19 / 20 / 32 | |
43 | Triangulum Cosmic Globe | Triangulum | Allows the user to use three Cosmic Globes at once. | Episode 33 / 34 | |
44 | Lyra Cosmic Globe | Lyra | Plays music. | Episodes 35 / 45 | |
50 | Cerberus Cosmic Globe | Cerberus | Summons the Cerberus Voyager. | Episode 34 | |
51 | Canis Minor Cosmic Globe | Canis Minor | One of the three Cosmic Globes to unlock the Cerberus Voyager. | Episodes 14 / 34 | |
52 | Canis Major Cosmic Globe | Canis Major | One of the three Cosmic Globes to unlock the Cerberus Voyager. | Episodes 29 / 34 | |
53 | Canes Venatici Cosmic Globe | Canes Venatici | One of the three Cosmic Globes to unlock the Cerberus Voyager. | Episodes 31 / 34 | |
77 | Leo Minor Cosmic Globe | Leo Minor | Summons the Lion Cub Voyager. | Episodes 22 / 38 / 44 | |
91 | Mosa Cosmic Globe | Mosasaurus | Used for Red Zodiac Ranger transformation. | Episode 22 / 32 | |
92 | Gryphes Cosmic Globe | Gryphes | Used for Yellow Zodiac Ranger transformation. One of the ancient constellations. | Episode 22 / 32 | |
93 | Mammuth Cosmic Globe | Mammuth | Used for Green Zodiac Ranger transformation. One of the ancient constellations. | Episode 22 / 32 | |
94 | Meg Cosmic Globe | Megalodon | Used for Blue Zodiac Ranger transformation. One of the ancient constellations. | Episode 22 / 32 | |
95 | Smilodon Cosmic Globe | Smilodon | Used for White Zodiac Ranger transformation. One of the ancient constellations. | Episode 22 / 32 | |
100 | Black Hole Cosmic Globe | Black Hole | An artificially created Cosmic Globe. Stabilises the spirit of the Shadow Commander to allow him to regain a physical form. | Episodes 44 / 45 |