The Constructor Mega zord is the primary Megazord of the Power Rangers Construct-X and one of the most powerful megazords ever designed.
Dump Construct Zord[]
The Dump Construct Zord is a dump truck themed zord created from the remains of the Drivemax Megazord and the personal zord of the Red Construct Ranger. It has the ability to transform into a battle mode similar to the Drivemax Megazord with a large shovel and becoms the torso of the Constructor Megazord as well as housing the weapon.
Flatbed Construct Zord[]
The Flatbed Construct Zord is a flatbed trailer themed zord created from the remains of the Delta Squad Megazord and the personal zord of the Blue Construct Ranger. It has the ability to transform int a battle mode similar to the Delta Squad Megazord with wrist mounted guns and forms the right arm, hands, and helmet of the Constructor Megazord.
Mixer Construct Zord[]
The Mixer Construct Zord is a cement mixer themed zord created from the remains of the Zeo Megazord and the personal zord of the Green Construct Ranger. It has the ability to transform into a battle mode similar to the Zeo Megazord as well as having it's ability to use multiple helmets with different abilities and forms the left arm of the Constructor Megazord.
Roller Construct Zord[]
The Roller Construct Zord is a steam roller themed megazord created from the remains of the Mega Voyager and the personal zord of the Yellow Construct Ranger. It has the the ability to transform into a battle mode similar to the Mega Voyager complete with an underslung gattling gun and formed the right leg of the Constructor Megazord.
Dozer Construct Zord[]
The Dozer Construct Zord is a bulldozer themed megazord created from the remains of the Turbo Megazord and the primary zord of the Pink Construct Ranger. It has the ability to transform into a battle mode similar to the Turbo Megazord.
Alternate Combinations[]
Buster mode[]
The Dino-Lifter Construct Zord replaces the Mixer Construct Zord become the left arm of the formation, granting the Constructor Megazord a telescoping club/drill hybrid weapon.