These are the zords in Power Rangers Construct-X
The Construct Zords are the creation of Dr. Zachary Fulton and are made from the remains of previous zords and megazords. They are all equiped with giga drive engines that grant them each about the power of an ultrazord, and a personality chip so that they can interact with the rangers. They also contain special weapons known as Construct-Arms that are based on the Construct Zord they are stored in.
Dump Construct Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Construct-X]]
The Dump Construct Zord is the main zord of the Red Construct Ranger and created from the remains of the DriveMax Megazord. He is extreamly protective of the rangers and other zords and sometimes goes into a bit of a bezerker state when they're threatened. He often calls John partner.
In dump truck mode he can carry over 50,000 liters of cargo in his bed or almost any other construct zord, either to carry them into battle faster, combine to do jousting style attacks, or carry damaged allies out of danger.
In zord mode he primarily uses a pick for offensive attacks and a shovel for defense. While they are able to combine into a single sword like the DriveMax Saber, he doesn't use it too often, preferring the versitilaty that 2 weapons offers.
Flatbed Construct Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Construct-X]]
The Flatbed Construct Zord is the main zord of the Blue Construct Ranger and creted from the remains of the Delta Squad Megazord. He is extreamly careful and thinks things through before doing them, this makes him an excellent sniper but close range combat can cause him to lose his cool. He calls Cody chief.
In flatbed truck mode he can carry over 200 tons of cargo on his bed or almost any other construct zord, either to carry them into battle faster, combine to do jousting style attacks, or carry damaged allies out of danger.
In zord mode he primarily uses his twin wrist blasters to attack enemies from long range. Also, he can transfer all his offensive power to a single blaster to increase its range and damage.
Mixer Construct Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Construct-X]]
The Mixer Construct Zord is the main zord of the Green Construct Ranger and created from the remains of the Zeo Megazord. He has a habit of collecting things that he finds interesting and inventing things out of them, these inventions have mixed results but are usually useful.
In cement truck mode he can mix different liquids in his drum and deploy them for various effects. His favorites are an oil slick and a sticky paste to mess with an enemy's footing.
In zord mode he can switch between 5 different helmets that grant him different abilities similar to the Zeo Megazords helmets.
In Mode 1 he gains a helmet with a powerful pulsar cannon. He also gains the ability to generate high energy plasma spheres.
In mode 2 he gains a helmet with twin turbine casters. He also gains the ability to fly and generate tornados.
In mode 3 he gains a pyramid shaped helmet. He also gains powerful telekenetic abilities.
In mode 4 he gains a helmet with horns. He also gains emmense strength and the ability to manipulate gravity. This is his default mode.
In mode 5 he gains a crested helmet. He also gains a large sword.
Roller Construct Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Construct-X]]
The Roller Construct Zord is the main zord of the Yellow Construct Ranger and created from the remains of the Mega Voyager. She has a rather childlike personallity and always wants to explore new things.
In dump truck mode he can carry over 5000 liters of cargo in his bed or almost any other construct zord, either to carry them into battle faster, combine to do jousting style attacks, or carry damaged allies out of danger.
In zord mode he primarily uses a pick for offensive attacks and a shovel for defense. While they are able to combine into a single sword like the DriveMax Saber, he doesn't use it too often, preferring the versitilaty that 2 weapons offers.
Dozer Construct Zord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Construct-X]]
The Dozer Construct Zord is the main zord of the Pink Construct Ranger and created from the remains of the Turbo Megazord. She has a rather caring personality and takes care of the other zords.
In dump truck mode he can carry over 5000 liters of cargo in his bed or almost any other construct zord, either to carry them into battle faster, combine to do jousting style attacks, or carry damaged allies out of danger.
In zord mode he primarily uses a pick for offensive attacks and a shovel for defense. While they are able to combine into a single sword like the DriveMax Saber, he doesn't use it too often, preferring the versitilaty that 2 weapons offers.