Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Condor CubeZord
Number: 0
Pilot: Connor
Condor Guardian Ranger
Season: Beast Guardians
First Appearance:
Last Appearance:
Number of Episode Appearances:
Length: m
Width: m
Height: m
Weight: tons

The Condor CubeZord is an indigo CubeZord modeled after a condor.  


The Condor CubeZord was found by Connor's dad. Since then, the Condor CubeZord has been Connor's best friend.


Condor Kaiser Megazord[]

Condor Kaiser Megazord
Zords: Condor CubeZord
Tiger CubeZord
Elephant CubeZord

The Condor Kaiser Megazord is the megazord formation of the Condor, Tiger, & Elephant CubeZords. This combination grants the Condor Kaiser Megazord the ability to fly & perform powerful quick punches.

The Condor Kaiser Megazord's finisher is the Condor Rocket Knuckle where the Condor Kaiser Megazord flies up to the enemy & executes a series of punches.

Additional Formations[]

Beast Sentinel Megazord: Condor Sword[]

Beast Sentinel Megazord: Condor Sword

Eagle CubeZord
Shark CubeZord
Lion CubeZord
Elephant CubeZord
Tiger CubeZord
Gorilla CubeZord
Crocodile CubeZord
Wolf CubeZord
Rhino CubeZord
Giraffe CubeZord
Mole CubeZord
Bear CubeZord
Bat CubeZord
Condor CubeZord

Length: 28.5 m
Width: 61.0 m
Height: 72.0 m
Weight: 8800 tons
Speed: 600 km/h
Power: 73,000,000

The Beast Sentinel Megazord: Condor Sword is a combination of the Beast Sentinel Megazord & Condor CubeZord.

Its finisher is the Condor Sentinel Infinity where it gains wings & slashes the enemy.


  • The Condor CubeZord uses the same mold as the Gorilla CubeZord with a remolded chest plate along with a new piece designed after the Beast Guardian Megazord's Guardian Sword.
  • The Condor CubeZord is similar to Dino Supercharge'Spino Zord. Both are blue-colored zord, number zero of their line, who is based on a Red Ranger's zord. 
  • With the Condor Guardian Ranger's posthumous debut, the Condor CubeZord is the last numbered CubeZord to be associated with a Beast Guardian Ranger.

See Also[]
