Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Logo-supersentai This article is about a/an comparison in the Super Sentai series.

This page highlights the differences between Seiken Sentai Ryukenger and Avataro Sentai Donbrothers.


Ryukenger Donbrothers
Ryukenger will taking the place after Kamen Rider Saber's series finale. Donbrothers will taking the place after Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger's series finale.
All of the members are humans. Only has four members are humans, while Taro Momoi and Jiro Momotani are still unknown.
The team originally composed of seven members, later Alter Ranger officially join the team against his former comrades. The team composed of six members while Don Murasame did not join the team and he had to fight against the teams and the enemies.
The Ryukengers uses a phone-type changer to transform by scanning the devices. The Donbrothers uses a gun-type changer to transform by insert a devices.
Ryuken Red is the leader of the Ryukengers. He also taking care of his teammates. Don Momotaro is the leader of the Donbrothers. He did not care about his teammates, which he can act like Momotaro and can easily knocked his teammates out of the battle at first, especially for Oni Sister.
All of the core team members were introduced in Kamen Rider's crossover movieIcon-crosswiki, instead of Zenkaiger. Don Momotaro were introduced first in previous series. Later, the four Rangers were later introduced in the series.
The mentors is an alien girl. The mentors is a humans, who was imprisoned in virtual world.
Have only one villain group. Has more than one villains groups.
Has teamed up with several Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. Only one members that can teamed up with Zenkaigers and did not team up with Kamen Rider.
Has a natural tones, but similar to the Power Rangers and Kamen RiderIcon-crosswiki. Has a more lighter tone.
Takuro Fukuda is the series head writer. Ryuta Tasaki is the series head writer.
